BRITAIN: 2 more letters: Firearms register will not prevent crime

March 1st, 2012

it didnt stop it in canada!


BRITAIN: 2 more letters: Firearms register will not prevent crime
Date: Mar 14, 2006 1:59 PM
PUBLICATION: The Daily Telegraph
DATE: 2006.03.14
PAGE: 01
SECTION: Features
NOTE: Letter to the Editor


Firearms register will not prevent crime


SIR – How bitterly ironic that, on the day you report the 10th
anniversary of the tragic Dunblane killings, you also carry the report
of the lawless shooting and double killing outside a pub in Manchester.

The Dunblane horror, of course, resulted in the now discredited handgun
ban, which was supposed to have major impact on gun crime.

I am reminded of the old American truism – if you outlaw guns, the only
ones left with the guns are the outlaws.

Malcolm Allsop


PUBLICATION: The Daily Telegraph
DATE: 2006.03.14
PAGE: 01
SECTION: Features
NOTE: Letter to the Editor


Firearms register will not prevent crime


SIR – Is a national firearms register really needed (report, March 13)?
Like many others, I am still deeply resentful that my guns were, in
effect, stolen from me by this Government.

I can understand that the parents of children killed in Dunblane are
very agitated and upset, but the law that removed pistols from
law-abiding citizens was a knee-jerk reaction, passed in haste, and
formed more from emotion than rational thought. Like the Dangerous Dogs
Act, it arose because MPs were rushing about wishing to be seen to be
doing something, when they would have been better employed in more
rigorous research on the subject.

The fact is that there was almost no firearm crime committed by licensed
gun owners, whether pistol, rifle or shotgun. The Dunblane incident was
caused by a man whom the police already thought unreliable, and the
Hungerford shooting by an illegally held weapon. The overwhelming
majority of gun crime is committed by career criminals who never held
the requisite licence, and so are illegal gun owners.

What use is a national register in their case? I find it hard to believe
that gang members will trot along to a police station to register their

Chris Palmer