British “Safety” Guidelines

March 1st, 2012

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:31:57 -0600
From: “Charlene” <[email protected]>
Subject: re: British ‘Safety’ Guidelines.

All: from a former sovereign citizen in the U.K. Sad.

Hi folks.

I recently recieved an e-mail (thanks Jimmie) pointing me in the direction
of our Home Office’s website and suggesting I check out their guidelines to
‘Personal Safety & Crime Prevention’.
( ) and if any of
you want a hollow-laugh, I suggest you read it, and then give thanks that
you live in a country where the citizen is still – for the time being –
allowed to defend his/her home and family.

As you know, here in Britain we are legally forbidden (by our own
‘government’) to properly defend ourselves, our homes, our families. Our
weapons have been confiscated. The only problem is, no one managed to get
the criminals to hand in their weapons. The result is, of course, a
situation where the only people now with the means of serious
self-defense/offense are the criminals & the authorities.
Shooting incidents and armed crime continue to rise. As do robberies
against the more rural properties – places the crooks know have no
firepower, although they are, for now, staying away from farmhouses where
they can be more or less guaranteed an armed response. (Until the state
comes after our shotguns and air-rifles that is, watch this space.) Our own
government (of all shades) has left us defenceless in the face of armed
intruders, violent muggers, rapists and thugs. Shoot one – or two – of
these lowlifes in your own home and YOU end up being jailed. Use pepper
spray or cs.gas against them – YOU get prosecuted for carrying an illegal
weapon! So how does our governemnt recomend we defend ourselves, in our own
homes in the small hours?
I include the following extracts for your entertainment and amazement:

“…If you wake to hear the sound of an intruder, only you can decide how
best to handle the situation. You may want to lie quietly to avoid
attracting attention to yourself, in the hope that they will leave. Or you
may feel more confident if you switch on the lights and make a lot of noise
by moving about. Even if you’re on your own, call out loudly to an
imaginary companion – most burglars will flee empty-handed rather than
risking a confrontation. Ring the police as soon as it’s safe for you to do

(If you are still alive, in one piece, and not suffering head
injuries/trauma/rape/gunshot injuries that is….as for ‘lie quietly’ –
i’ve seen it all now. For women, the following advice is even more unreal:)

“If someone threatens you, shout and scream for help and set off your
personal attack alarm if you have one. This may unnerve the attacker and
frighten him off.
You have every right to defend yourself, with reasonable force with items
which you have with you like an umbrella, hairspray or keys can be used
against the attacker. The law however doesn’t allow carrying anything which
can be described as an offensive weapon.”

So there you have it. The official British governmental advice on personal
safety. Walk home with your umbrella – the M-16 of the fashion world –
clasped across your chest infantryman style, and be ready to use those keys
ladies when it gets down to serious hand-to-hand. And when you finally get
home, chain, bolt & deadlock the door, go to bed and lie quietly,
especially if you hear sounds of intruders from the next room.

(I remember this last advice well. It always worked when I was a child and
the monster was coming after me. All I had to do was pull the covers over
my head and the monster couldn’t see or find me. However, I also had a
back-up plan just in case the monster turned out to be real. The back-up
plan was in the next room. It was my father, an ex-combat infantryman who
believed in home, family, truth, courage, honour and superior firepower.
People knew he kept firearms in the home, and that, if nesseccary, he’d use
them on anyone who tried it on with his family, in his home. Guess what? We
never got burgaled, the women of the family never got assaulted or worse.
We slept safely knowing nothing was going to happen when my old fella was
around – and we lived in a rough area. All I can say is, I’m glad we don’t
live there today. I doubt if my mother’s hairspray would prove the same
kind of deterrant factor…..)

yours in despair ~ Wolf.