(By popular demand) The Final Inning -Time to Play Hardball

March 1st, 2012

Courtesy of Chris W.Stark [email protected]>

Chris W. Stark – Director
915 Yacht Ct., P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. (281) 787-4111 Fax (281) 328-7505


email: [email protected]

The Final Inning – Time to Play Hardball
Copyright 1999 By James E. Gugino
e-mail: [email protected]

As a firearms enthusiast, lover of liberty, and student of history and human nature, I survey the ongoing issue of guns and US politics past and present, with an eye to the future, and I am filled with anger, disgust and fear.

Anger at an opportunistic, thoroughly immoral and perhaps even treasonous president who shamelessly demogogues from atop the bodies of dead school
children, pointing the blame for the horror at me and all the other decent, law-abiding gun owners in America.

Anger at the national print and electronic news media that unfailingly, consistently and systematically abuses their power under the First Amendment in order to wage a cultural war against the Second, characterizing decent firearms owners as dangerous fanatics, a threat to neighbor and nation, Soviet-style ‘enemies of the people’ without coming right out and using that

Disgust at the NRA, a group of ankle-grabbing Chamberlains if there ever was one, led now by a Hollywood has-been with a bad rug who thinks the
Second Amendment applies to his and Lowell Weiker’s Parker doubles but definitely not to my AR15s, desperately trying to undo the irreparable
damage done by that tar-baby of Wayne and James Jay’s own creation, ‘Insta-Check’ aka ‘Insta-Federal-Gun-Owner-Registration’, every gun-grabbers dream, and now ready to roll over on gun shows, trigger locks, hi-cap mags, pistol shooting with my own kids and a host of other restrictions that will do absolutely squat in stopping the next school rampage – and there will be more.

Disgust at fellow firearms owners, some of whom fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and should know better, some of whom are even family and friends,
who couldn’t be more apathetic about the very real threats to their rights if they were in a coma, many of whom voted for and continue to support the
very politicians, from Clinton on down, who seek to disarm them.

Disgust with the GOP and the laughably named ‘Revolutionary Congress’, a group of pathetic, politically inept, spineless media suck-up cowards, which has been winning the apparent race they are in with the NRA to see who can leave the biggest, warmest, wettest kiss on Bill’s blubbery fish-belly-white backside.

Fear, that we are sliding incrementally toward a new fascism, a uniquely American version that spouts all the right words about tolerance and liberty but in reality despises – and crushes – both.

Fear, that the belief by most of my countrymen that somehow Americans are immune from the laws of human nature will allow them to keep reassuring
themselves saying ‘it can’t happen here’ until it IS here – and it’s too late to do anything about it.

Fear, that this is the world we’re leaving our children and grandchildren – a world filled with fear. A country without liberty. A Constitution turned on it’s head, shredded by the very people who were charged with it’s protection. A people who care only about their 401K’s, Social Security,
mortgage deduction, and what movie they’re going to get from Blockbuster this weekend. A people that have become DeToqueville’s well-cared-for herd animals.

A critical battle in this ongoing war between the rights of the people versus the power of government is now unfolding. We are now faced with the prospect of seeing America’s firearms manufacturers being sued by cities across the country (with the encouragement and assistance of the victorious anti-tobacco trial lawyers) for the costs of ‘gun violence’. The adversaries of firearms will use the American legal system to bludgeon the industry into submission. And the deck is stacked – unless the cities drop their suits, the firearms industry will lose – period. They will be financially bled into insolvency, and the arsenals of liberty will be silenced.

So how can the cities be dissuaded from pursuing this action? My father, another ardent firearms enthusiast and lover of liberty, has an idea – a
simple idea, an idea that could work, if the besieged manufacturers, distributors and FFL holders could muster the courage, the stamina and, most importantly, the solidarity necessary to execute the plan. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Considering that the arms industry will be fighting for it’s very survival against an enemy with unlimited funding, it should be do-able. The plan? Hardball. Life and death hardball. Long, long overdue hardball.

Every city, every municipality, every county, every state, every Federal agency from sea to shining sea should be told in no uncertain terms that should they decide to sue any or all of the firearms and/or ammunition companies, or any part of the distribution chain, that operate in the USA
then they and their law-enforcement divisions will be immediately SHUT OUT by the entire industry, top to bottom – period. NO SALE. Cancel all
contracts. No new firearms. No spare parts for current issue. No mags. No service. No armorers. No instructors. No training. No competitions. No ammo. No Kevlar vests. Not even a stinkin’holster. NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. ZERO – unless you BACK OFF NOW. No new 25-pound trigger DAO semi’s for New York City. No fancy new tactical Springfield 1911′s for the FBI. No upgrades or trade-ins for .40 S&W for Chicago. No spare firing pins for ATF MP5s. No Mossberg riot shotguns for LA. No Treasury loads for the Secret Service. No
restricted hi-cap mags for the CHP. No Colt M4′s for Atlanta’s SWAT team. No Bushmaster M16′s or Beretta M9′s for the Army, Navy, Air Force or
Marines. NOTHING. Unless you PULL THE LAWSUITS – NOW. Otherwise for all we care you can pursue violent criminals in your jurisdictions or
‘peacekeep’ in Kosovo or protect the president’s sorry butt with rolled up copies of The New York Times or The Washington Post. Or send Dan Rather or Peter Jennings into your next meth lab bust – with just his microphone. Stuff it – get lost.

What a beautiful, glorious sight that would be! Faced with the prospect of being as impotent in the face of violent crime as they’d like the citizenry to be, the various regimes would have two options – capitulate and drop the suits, or NATIONALIZE the industry, either outright or after bleeding them dry. As far as I’m concerned, if the government nationalizes the arms industry, the very tools of liberty, then that great experiment in human liberty know as the United States of America is OVER, and we move into a new
and horrible era. The stakes ARE high.

But I don’t hold much hope of such a scenario actually coming to pass. Human nature being what it is, I don’t think the arms industry would be able to hold together long enough to force the governments to give in. I know the president of Colt has made Quisling noises in the recent past, and even Bill Ruger, a man who should know better, has come out in favor of magazine limits and such. You know, it wasn’t long ago that a group of executives from certain firearms manufacturers got suckered into a Rose Garden photo op with Clinton over trigger locks. Don’t they realize that all they’re doing is feeding the crocodile, hoping it eats them last? No, I’m not optimistic – greed and cowardice would rear there ugly heads, and one or some would break ranks – and the new regime, the new Amerika, will have it’s Albert Speer.

But in spite of it all, we must hope against hope………it’s all we have, and hope is the only weapon that can keep us motivated, for the sake of future generations to come.

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Copyright 1999 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas). Republication permitted provided this article is left intact in its original state. The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the
views of any other individual or organization, than Gun Owners Alliance. We do not officially represent Gun Owners of America.