Call the cops, but they won’t save you !!!

March 1st, 2012

Hi girls

You better read this good.

Just Sunday last, mother was shot down with her sister and mom in front of her two little kids by estranged partner — every week, two women are murdered by family in the UK alone!

Unarmed neighbours ran in and called the cops for help!

Armed police surrounded the house and would not let the medics in for more than one hour — the shot victims never had much chance, thanks to the cops they got no chance and died! The cops were not as good as the neighbours!

You see people, the cops are highly trained and heavily armed with all the firepower and body armour and stuff and they don’t mind none when it comes to shooting down unarmed civilians but when it is for real they keep their asses at a safe distance and wait till the horizon is clear and then let the medics take away the victims’ bodies!!

I read about the Iranian Embassy seige in London when four or five men took a load of hostages — hundreds of cops surrounded the place, but when the shooting started the police had to hand over to the army cos the cops were too fat and useless!

Funny thing about house clearing in war films I seen is you don’t see soldiers waiting at a safe distance outside till it is safe to go in — any idiot can do that, right? — no, they fight their way in like they are supposed to do!

Fact is, we don’t need cops to protect us, the good people out there should just be allowed to take care of ourselves like the Founding Fathers intended.

