CALNRA ends it’s affiliation with NRA!!!

March 1st, 2012
“Get the News to Protect Your Freedom”
Changes to this site effective February, 2000.

This web site is supported by NRA members in San Diego County, California
as a service to those who cherish their freedom. The commentary and news
contained within this site does not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Rifle Association, its officers, subsidiary NRA organizations or NRA Members.

This site was launched in April of 1997 in response to a complete lack of timely, organized, and accurate information available to the public on the internet in matters relating to gun control legislation in California. It can be said, without hesitation, that in 1999 you folks made this site the most successful pro-Second Amendment rights web site located within California and one of the top ten pro-gun sites in the nation. Our growth has been phenomenal and we fully expect to continue growing at a 25% to 50% clip this year again.

However, we do have an announcement to make of changes to this site.

Effective February 1, 2000, this site will no longer be affiliated with any NRA Members’ Council in California or the NRA’ Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) due to completely understandable and logical policy changes within NRA-ILA in California.

The changes were necessitated in order to protect NRA lobbying efforts within California. Even though we have a disclaimer on our web site, the mainstream media
in the past has not done their homework and misrepresented official NRA policy which can be found at This has caused some confusion. We certainly respect the NRA-ILA position on this matter and continue to fully support the hard work of NRA staffers in Sacramento.

We believe it necessary to dis-enfranchise this site from association with NRA-ILA activities, rather than comply with new NRA-ILA policies, in order to maintain a completely unbiased, unrestricted right to collect and disseminate news and commentary relating to Second Amendment issues. The grassroots volunteers involved with this site have never accepted payment of any kind from the NRA. This site has always been and will continue to be a volunteer effort.

The editorial staff of CalNRA feels strongly that this policy change will only strengthen this site by allowing us to freely present Second Amendment issues from all perspectives in the pro-gun movement.

We thank you for our success and we pledge to maintain this site with the vigilance necessary to help you make decisions, come to your own conclusions, and take the action you see fit to protect our Second Amendment rights.

Editorial Staff,

CalNRA Website