CANADA: Letter: A good example of firearms law not working
Letter: A good example of firearms law not working
PUBLICATION: The Moncton Times and Transcript
DATE: 2004.09.28
SECTION: Opinion
COLUMN: Readers’ Forum
A good example of firearms law not working
To The Editor:
Now we have a good example why the firearms legislation that we have is
not working, and not worth the paper wasted to dream up such an idea.
To make hunters and target shooters pay to register their shotguns and
rifles, that are used mainly for hunting and skeet shooting, will do
nothing to stop the sort of activity that went on in Moncton in the
early morning hours of Thursday, Sept. 23.
We have to date heard that so far the Liberal government in Ottawa has
wasted more than one billion dollars of our tax money to implement this
This money could have been used to better our health care system, and
would have in the long run probably saved more lives than this firearms
control act will ever save.
If our police department ever find these guns that were used to
terrorize our community on Sept. 23, it will be interesting to see if
the guns were legally owned and registered.
When someone is convicted of using a firearm during the commission of
any crime, jail time should be automatic.
We have adequate laws to deal with this, now all we need is a legal
system with enough backbone to make sure these penalties are
implemented, not more firearm legislation to punish the legal owners of
Larry Doucette, Moncton