Canada: Letter: Liberals could start a ‘rope registry’
Letter: Liberals could start a ‘rope registry’
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2004.10.29
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Jack Bennett Jr.
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Liberals could start a ‘rope registry’
How can we as Canadians stand by and watch the Liberal government
continue to spend our hard-earned tax money on this ridiculous idea of a
gun registry? When all of the honest, hard-working people have
registered their guns, will it help prevent gun crimes?
No, I am pretty sure that the criminals will not take the time to
register the gun that they purchased from the street to rob and murder.
Gun control does not prevent the bad guys from getting guns, it only
hurts the honest taxpayer and responsible gun owners. More people have
killed themselves with rope than with guns. Maybe the Liberals could
start a rope registry.
Jack Bennett Jr.