Canadians for Provincial Heritage Laws

March 1st, 2012

Canadians are trying to preserve their great culture and heritage by formation of Heritage Laws in the provinces. The federal government’s invasive, intrusive, discriminatory gun law has brought this about. I’ve incorporated some of the idea for you into this article and present the following correspondence of lufa (law-abiding unregistered firearm association) to Premier Klein of Alberta. The freedom fighters of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation must also be acknowledged for their stance against an unjust law, C-68.

February 27, 2001

The Honorable Ralph Klein
Premier of Alberta
#307, 10800 ? 97 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta
Fax # (780) 427-1349

Dear Mr. Klein:

Re: Heritage Protection

I am calling upon you and your party to protect the people of Alberta
from the destructive effects of Bill C-68,
the Firearms Act of 1995. The Federal Government claims that this law
will make all Canadians safer. While
that is an extremely doubtful assertion, we do know what the law
actually does. The consequences are far
more odious than having to register a few pieces of personal property.
In addition to stripping Canadians of
our constitutionally Protected Rights and Freedom, Bill C-68 is
destroying the Culture and Heritage of
Canada. We are already seeing the deleterious effects of this law in the
decrease in the number of sporting
goods stores which handle firearms, and destruction of firearms by
owners who fear severe Federal
prosecution for simple unlicensed possession of their property, long
held completely legal and completely
safe. I fear this trend will only continue as the Federal Government
pursues the goal of a “firearms- free”

Our Federal Government promotes the multicultural nature of our country
and encourages new immigrants to
retain and be proud of their foreign heritage. Yet this same Federal
Government is working overtime to kill our
own national culture. Canadians are now taught that firearms are not
part of our culture and heritage. This is
poppycock! Firearms arrived with the very first fur traders, and
firearms were instrumental in the settling of the
land. Firearms resolved the differences between the founding parties as
to the right to govern the land. The
use of firearms in Canada did not cease in 1759 on the Plains of
Abraham. Visit any prairie cemetery and
read the headstones! The respectful display of the regimental banners
carved therein demonstrates that
Canadians are proud
of their knowledge and use of firearms. The military cemeteries of
France, Italy and Holland honor Canadians
who died using firearms in the defense of freedom. Canadian Heritage
includes the responsible use of
firearms. This part of our culture deserves protection.
Premier Klein, LUFA asks that you help us protect our Canadian Heritage
from the repugnant assault by the
Federal Government. The Government of Saskatchewan is considering
legislation that will enshrine hunting,
fishing and trapping in the provincial constitution as a Heritage Right
and thus be protected under the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Citizens of Alberta deserve no
less protection.

I am including the Saskatchewan resolution for your consideration. I
respectfully request that you make
Heritage Protection, for the Citizens of Alberta, part of your platform
in your campaign.

Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association (LUFA)

Edward B. Hudson


See below: Resolution for the Protection of our Canadian Heritage and

A Call for votes in Alberta!


Law-abiding Unregistered Firearms Association (LUFA)
PO Box 218
Rocky Mountain House
T4T 1A2
[email protected]

Dear Alberta LUFA Member,

Please contact each candidate for election in your riding and ask that
they endorse this Resolution to Protect our Canadian Heritage and
Culture. Passing this Resolution will cost the government of Alberta
absolutely nothing except the time to raise their right arm to vote
“yes” to enshrine these ideas as part of our provincial heritage and
culture. Then using the “not-withstanding” clause to protect our culture

likewise costs the government of Alberta nothing.

We care not who wins the election as long as the next government is
willing to protect our culture and the right to own firearms. We should
not allow our government to claim that they have done all that they can
do to protect our rights by taking the provincial property ownership
challenge to the Supreme Court. A political party that is not willing to

acknowledge that they have a duty to protect our culture does not
deserve our support.

A personal call from you to the candidates in your area will make a big
difference in having this idea accepted and adopted.

Thank you for your time and effort in this election.

Ralph Klein

Constituency Office
#128, 6707 Elbow Dr. SW
Calgary, AB
T2V 0E3
Fax (780)427-1349
email [email protected]

Legislature Office
#307, 10800 – 97 Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6
Fax (403)252-0520
email [email protected]


Edward B. Hudson

Resolution to Protect the Culture and Heritage of Canada

Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation

Other Resolutions:

27. Bill C-68 and C-17 ? Region 1 (Nipawin)

WHEREAS the federal government continues to interfere with our hunting,
fishing, and trapping heritage
through laws (such as C-68 and C-17) by imposing restrictive and
criminal legislation upon our methods and
tools used to carry out these rights, and

WHEREAS the methods and tools used for these purposes are part and
parcel of this historically established
heritage and thus not negotiable to control or regulation by government
as inscribed in the ?Canadian Charter
of Rights and Freedoms? General #27. ?This Charter shall be interpreted
in a manner consistent with the
preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of
Canadians?, and

WHEREAS the federal legislation existing in C-68 and C-17 clearly
infringes upon Canadians? rights and
freedoms to life and liberty violating section 7 of Legal Rights (in the
Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms) by creating cumbersome, expensive, absurd requirements for it
citizens; thus forcing hunters,
trappers, and fishermen to change their culture toward the ideals
maintained by the political and economical
elite currently in power of the day, therefore;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation recommend to
the Government of
Saskatchewan that a Provincial Heritage Law be developed and enshrined
into Provincial Law which states:
The Residents of Saskatchewan shall have the right to keep and bear arms
and no law will infringe upon
heritage right relating to fishing or trapping or hunting, and if
necessary the Government of Saskatchewan will
invoke the ?Not Withstanding Clause? so described under the Charter,
toward any law which infringes upon
the aforementioned heritage of Saskatchewan Residents.

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