Candidates on Gun Control
Snapshot: The United States had 32,436 firearm deaths in 1997. Homicides are the second leading cause of gun deaths, behind suicide. Homicide handgun deaths fell to a 9-year low of 9,796 in 1997.
Bauer: Enforce existing laws.
Bradley: Supports mandatory licenses for handgun buyers and registration for their guns, as well as ban on “Saturday night specials.” Would raise license fees on dealers to reduce their number.
Buchanan: “No compromise” on gun rights. Deny convicted felons right to own firearms.
Bush: Enforce existing laws. Raise age for handgun purchases to 21. Supports instant background checks at gun shows, opposes universal gun registration. Signed laws in Texas permitting carrying of concealed weapons and protecting gun makers from lawsuits from cities.
Forbes: Enforce existing laws and have states, not Washington, set firearm standards.
Gore: Supports mandatory photo ID licenses for handgun buyers. Would require manufacturers and federally licensed sellers to report gun sales to a state authority to help trace the owner when gun is used in crime. Supports banning “Saturday night specials.” In 1999, cast tie-breaking Senate vote to expand background checks to gun shows and require safety devices, but measure did not become law
Hatch: Enforce existing laws. Extend background checks to gun shows and expand them to look for history of mental problems. Cosponsored bill to toughen gun-show restrictions and deny juveniles convicted of felonies the right to gun ownership for life. Require child-safety locks.
Keyes: Right to gun ownership is essential to duty of citizens to “resist and overthrow the power responsible” if their rights are being “systematically violated.” Repeal federal gun restrictions for law-abiding citizens.
McCain: Favors instant criminal background checks on all gun purchases. Opposes waiting periods. Opposed ban on assault-type weapons. Mandatory child-safety locks.