“Care2.com Petitions Team”: “Charlie’s Angels”

March 1st, 2012


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Charlie’s Angels Deep-Six Their Six-Shooters

In the new hit Charlie’s Angels, guns have been fired — not in the movie, but from it. Drew Barrymore, the picture’s co-producer and co-star, thought the Angels should rely on brains, not bullets to thwart bad guys. “I know this is going to sound strange,” Barrymore said in an Entertainment Weekly interview, “but I think it’s cowardly to flick a finger and kill someone.”

It was Barrymore’s reaction to school shootings, as well as her perception those obiquitous shoot-em-ups have grown a little stale, which led to her decision. “I just feel like I’ve seen that in so many movies,” she said.

Co-star Lucy Liu approves of the softened gun-free tone. In a recent Playboy interview, she commented, “Drew really set a great precedent about not having [the women characters] use guns on the film. Within
that challenge and that responsibility to the kids who come and see the film, we want them to be able to look up at us, not [think] ‘We shoot people and dominate the world’.”

I’ll just let the stars of the movie speak for the entire topic itself and then you be the judge if whether or not I should continue to push this so-called protest even further:

Quote:SYLVESTER: You didn’t want to have “The Angels” carry guns?

BARRYMORE: Well, if they can walk into a room and handle themselves physically instead of being cowardly and pulling a trigger and winning the fight, and if we had to fight each other sort of…

Quote:Unlike their TV counterparts, these Angels didn’t have to take target practice at the police academy to earn their wings: In the movie, the good guys — or women, we should say — don’t pack heat. “Guns are cowardly,” says Drew. “With the flick of one finger, you can kill somebody. I always think about what the world would be like if people didn’t have that ability.”

Quote:”People just sit behind their [expletive] weapon and they can kill somebody and it’s just so cowardly.”

Drew Barrymore

Quote:Cameron Diaz’s activist campaign to reduce U.S. oil dependence has come to a close for now.

Cameron’s animated appeal generated hundreds of thousands of signatures on the petition urging automakers to put cleaner cars on the road.

To all of you who signed the petition, heartfelt thanks from Cameron Diaz and NRDC.

If you subscribed to Earth Action when you signed the petition, you’ll receive updates from NRDC on other ways you can get involved.

If you didn’t sign the petition you can still take environmental action by visiting NRDC’s Earth Action center and subscribing to our Earth Action bulletin.

Thanks again!

Quote:MTV’s weekday videofest, “Total Request Live” (3:30 p.m.), is rated TV-PG. Although music videos frequently come under fire for sex, violence and profanity, these were tame. Sexy dancing in Christina Aguilera’s “Come On Over, Baby” and Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs,” and bleeped profanity in Limp Bizkit’s “Rolling” were pretty much all there was to report. Curiously, for the second day in a row, an Eminem video (“The Way I Am”) ranked No. 9, but it was the only video in the Top 10 not played. As an aside, the stars of the new film “Charlie’s Angels” visited the Times Square studio wearing T-shirts that read, “I won’t vote for a son of a Bush.”

Quote:This election is the most important election that has come upon our nation in recent history and will effect not only our current economics but the planet we live on. I’m talking about the actual soil from which we take our food, the water that gives every organism its gift of life, the air that we…well, I am sure I don’t have to tell everyone how important oxygen is to our existence. But wouldn’t it be nice to have someone who actually cares about the quality of our one intangible lifesource. We need someone who will not be swayed by big business into compromising our environmental integrity. We cannot ignore this issue. Nor can we ignore the fact that we are dangerously close to losing the basis of our nation’s greatness. The right to choose. The right to have a choice. Having a choice is something we cannot take for granted. This country was built on the fundamental idea that all humans should have a right to choose. Our history shows that it has been a great struggle to make that statement true. Why do we want to move backwards? If we take away a woman’s right to have safe abortion, we are doing every American a disservice. If that right can be taken away, what other rights are we endangering? We must trust that the decision not to have a child is not a thoughtless one. That the women and men who are faced with the decision will make the right choice. It is our right inherently, the government protects that right and I think it is insulting, degrading and violating for anyone to tell a woman what she can do with her body. If there is any one reason why a woman should vote, it should be to protect her body.

And for the future of our children, the only way to ensure that not only our country, but our planet will be able to sustain their lives and the lives of their children, is to educate. Why not strive to be not just the strongest country, but the smartest? We must give every child an education that they can use. One that equips them not only academically, but gives them the ability to function as productive members of society. Taking the federal government out of education leaves education up to local means. Meaning the wealthy can take care of the wealthy and the poor are still left without resources. It is important that no child is left to fend for him or herself just because they are not privileged enough to live in an affluent area. We cannot make the quality of education an issue of class.

It is very difficult to state every concern in such a minimal amount of space and time, but as election day is literally upon us, it is clear that something must be done. I can only hope that by stating these few concerns, I will reach others who care about these issues and help them realize the importance of their vote. You absolutely make a difference. You must find a way to go out and vote on Tuesday. No matter what it takes. Vice President Al Gore has been an integral part of the success of our nation for the past eight years. He has proven himself on these issues. The environment has always been a priority, he vows to defend the rights of women, and his concerns for a valuable education are shown in his persistence to build and to nurture our public schools. We need an experienced leader. We must vote for the most qualified candidate, not for the guy you want to have a beer with.

Quote:And what about drugs? She’s (Cameron Diaz) very liberal on this subject: “It’s all a matter of personal choice and everybody reacts different on it. I haven’t tried everything and I would never start with heroine, but a good joint or XTC-pill can’t hurt.” (VARA Magazine 1997/43)

Quote:Betty: Cameron, can you tell us what you’ll be thinking about when you go into the voting booth to pick our next President?
Cameron: Yes. I will be thinking about our rights as women and our environment. We want everyone to vote.
Lucy: We’re not saying you have to vote for…
All: GORE!!!
Lucy: But you should just go out and vote.
Cameron: But voting for Gore is the best choice you can make at this time. People don’t think that their choice makes a difference.
Drew: They also think they’ll always be protected and that’s not true.
Lucy: God, we could possibly be really screwed if we don’t pay attention and wake up.
Cameron: But the issue is that there is a man out there [BUSH] that’s going to take the rights away from women and tap into our natural resources.
Drew: But there are people out there that think “What do you crazy Hollywood girls know?” We just have to vote at this election!

Betty: Okay! I’m going! I’m going!

Quote:Drew Barrymore was banned from PETA after one of the founders watched
“Freddy Got Fingered.” The founder named Sharon Moore concluded that even
though they needed Drew’s donations that they wouldn’t want any from
someone who would marry a man (Tom Green) who did such sick things in the movie. It
wasn’t so much banning her for marrying him but for starring in a moive
like that. So as a matter of dignity Drew is banned from all PETA
functions and supposedly Alicia Silverstone broke off therr freindship
because of this. It is even said she and Christina Applegate are sort of
on rocky ground.

*We see brief flashback footage of Dylan as a recruit and she punches her “drill sergeant” instructor in the face (after tiring of him badgering her).

*Knox turns out to be a bad guy who tries to kill Dylan (and

*We see Dylan at a younger age and she gives “the finger” to the camera. thinks he’s succeeded), and Vivian turns out to be his criminal accomplice who fights the Angels. Meanwhile, the mute Thin Man works for them and fights/tries to harm/kill the Angels.

*We see part of Dylan’s bare hip (as well as lipstick smeared across her face) as she sleeps in Chad’s bed (suggesting they slept together). When she gets up, he states that they can have breakfast and then maybe “a little Chad.”

*Dylan shows a great deal of cleavage while dressed in an auto racing jump suit that’s zipped down quite a ways in the front (she isn’t wearing a shirt). She then tries to distract a limo driver by stating that it’s “hot” and then suggestively licking his steering wheel

*We see Dylan get out of Knox’s bed with just a sheet wrapped around her, suggesting that they had sex. When Vivian later spots her that way and comments on working undercover, Dylan snidely remarks that hers is a “full service job.” Later, Knox states that Dylan was (what sounded like) “a tomcat in the sack.”
*Moments later, Dylan hangs from that sheet and then falls to the ground below and rolls down a hill completely nude (seen from a distance and without any detail, but you can tell she’s nude). She then picks up an inflatable, donut shaped pool tool that she holds up to her body (thus covering her breasts and crotch, but we see her bare belly and the sides of her bare hips from a frontal view) while knocking on a sliding glass door to ask two boys for help.

*Dylan does so once in a flashback to her rebellious years

*Drew Barrymore’s character sleeping with two different men over the course of the film.


That that up above is just the tip of the iceberg (you seriously have to click on the links to get much more full examples of concern)!

Quote:Now the Bad News: Aside from subliminal messages ?- this is fighting but we?re making it look like lots of fun ?- the screen violence in Charlie?s Angels is just wildly uneven, to the point of being off-putting. As the movie progresses, you begin to realize that you don?t know when the violence will look like a well-choreographed dance, or when Cameron Diaz will morph into a vicious kicking machine who forces her victim to choke up shards of broken glass. This alone means Charlie?s Angels is bad news for the under-13 crowd. The movie crosses the line from action to violence, then back again, in such unpredictable patterns that children won?t know what hit them. To lure adults, as well as kids, Charlie?s Angels melds the karate moves of the Power Rangers with hard-core combat, throwing in some shots of Cameron Diaz?s butt and Drew Barrrymore?s breasts for good measure. ?Something for everyone,? without a doubt, but heaven forbid that the Angels consider the impact of their disturbing scenes on the youngest, most vulnerable members of the audience. Little matter; Charlie?s Angels seems destined to soar on the wings of its own cynical formula for box office success.

Quote:Drew Barrymore relaxes vegetarian lifestyle for fashion

Drew Barrymore has admitted she has given up her strict vegetarian lifestyle
in order to enjoy fashion.

The Charlie’s Angels star says she’s tired of having to shop at clothing
stores that don’t stock leather.

But she says she still insists on buying products from cosmetics companies
that don’t test on animals.

“I still don’t eat a ton of meat, and I don’t wear a ton of leather,” she
told imdb.com.

“But I just don’t put strict limitations on myself anymore. I don’t beat
myself up. I didn’t wear certain designers because I didn’t want any animals
to suffer for beauty and stuff, and so I literally was dressed by Old Navy
at one point.

“I still shop there, happily. And Urban Outfitters and the Gap – I love
those stores. You need basics for stability, but eventually I got tired and
wanted to play again. Dressing is like an art form – it’s so much fun.”

Quote:Hollywood heavyweight Leonardo DiCaprio and celebrity pals Tobey Maguire and Cameron Diaz have taken time out from their film-making chores to urge US President George Bush to take part in the Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, later this month.

The actors held a press conference in Los Angeles organised by the American organisation Global Green USA, an affiliate of Green Cross International, to call on President Bush to join a crucial initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The US President has yet to say whether he?ll join some 100 leaders, including Britain?s Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac, at the high-level meeting.

?I?m here as a concerned citizen,? said Leo. ?My purpose is quite simply to urge President Bush to attend the Johannesburg world summit. Mr Bush we are asking for your support to be the president that looks towards the future.

?Here is your opportunity to do the right thing for future generations,? an impassioned Leo continued. ?I believe we need a new sense of shared destiny, a sense that we?re all in this together. Despite the fact that we?re the biggest economy, we?re the largest polluter. President Bush, please go prepared to join the vast majority of nations in constructing a concrete plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.?

Following the press conference, Leo, Cameron and Tobey shot over to Hollywood for a ?Rock The Earth Summit? awareness party, where the music was provided by Stone Temple Pilots singer Scott Weiland.

The Thin Man smokes more than 5 times, Knox smokes a few times, Dylan
does so once in a flashback to her rebellious years, some
miscellaneous/background characters smoke (one uses a cigar), and we
see a still smoking cigar in an ashtray (that belongs to Charlie).