Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Gun control will NOT get rid of gun to “the wrong hands”, Sarah and gang!!!!! THIS is the PRICE of gun control !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Create a black market – a high priced black market….. as go the drugs. so goes guns……….. they just won’t learn, or is it that that’s not what they re really after???????????? [...]

Corpus Christi teen kills burglar in home Associated Press (TX) October 9, 2006 “A 14-year-old boy shot and killed a man who broke into his family’s home Monday and threatened to kill him and his mother, Police Chief Bryan Smith said.” The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

Oh, to be in England: Real Crime, Fake Justice “Theodore Dalrymple” City Journal August 20, 2006 On David Fraser’s book, A Land Fit for Criminals with Dalrymple’s thoughts on the disarmament of Britain’s law-abiding population. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

Societal Benefits of Firearm Ownership – Self-Defence Antony G. Jackson, Economics Division Library of Parliament August 22, 2006 “Even if not discharged, firearms can be useful tools for protecting oneself, another person or property from animals and human attacks, both in the home and elsewhere…” This study cites Dave’s work. The Second Amendment IS [...]


October 31, 2006

Australia Gun Laws Haven’t Cut Murder Rates: Study THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD October 23, 2006 Australia’s guns buyback has not reduced rates of gun murder or suicide, a new study says. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

Gary Mauser The Globe and Mail (Canada) September 18, 2006 “…proof is lacking that more restrictive gun laws will make society safer.” The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

The Glenn and Helen Show: Talking Guns and Politics with Dave Kopel Oct. 23, 2006 “You can listen directly — no downloading needed — by going here and clicking on the gray Flash player. Or you can download the file directly right here You can get a [...]

St. George Tucker versus Saul Cornell on the Second Amendment The Volokh Conspiracy October 13, 2006 “Analyzing Tucker’s Blackstone, and other writings by Tucker, Halbrook shows that Tucker explicitly recognized the Second Amendment as an individual right, including the right to posses firearms for personal self-defense, unrelated to militia duty.” The Second Amendment IS [...]

Make Schools Safe for Kids, not Criminals. Arming teachers is the most realistic way to reduce school shootings podcast October 5, 2006 ‘Gun free school zones’ create safe zones for mass murderers. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

BRITONS ‘COULD BE MICROCHIPPED Date: Oct 31, 2006 1:38 PM BRITONS ‘COULD BE MICROCHIPPED Monday, October 30, 2006 – Human beings may be forced to be ‘microchipped’ like pet dogs, a shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother state has warned. The microchips – which are implanted under the skin – [...]

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