Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
ARMOR PIERCING BULLETS * Armor piercing bullets have been referred to in the media as “cop killers.” (37) * In October of 1996, Bill Clinton met with the widow of Police Officer Jerome Harrison Seaberry. Later that day at a political rally, Clinton said: ?I still think we ought to ban those bullets that are [...]
Gun Facts
* Washington D.C. enacted a virtual ban on handguns in 1976. Between 1976 and 1991, Washington D.C.’s homicide rate rose 200%, while the U.S. rate rose 12%. (1) ========================================================================= Gun save lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ___________________________ Florida adopted a right-to-carry law in 1987. Between 1987 and 1996, these changes occurred: Florida United States homicide rate -36% -0.4% firearm [...]
you go, Girls ! :)
Dramatic increase in women hunting and shooting Date: Oct 20, 2006 10:13 AM NORTH AMERICAN HUNTING CLUB More Women Going Afield – October 17, 2006 WASHINGTON, D.C.-A newly released survey by the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) suggests there has been a dramatic increase in female participation in hunting and shooting. According to the survey, [...]
“Police chiefs put most of the blame on the attraction of new mobile telephones and the iPod.” Let’s see gun ban didn’t stop violent crime………oh I know let’s ban drugs, oh that’s right… drugs are banned already too……… Hey I know! Let’s ban mobile phones and Ipods —after all they’ve become the choice tools of [...]
WI Columnist: Let teachers have guns
WI Columnist: Let teachers have guns Date: Oct 19, 2006 9:31 PM Simplest way to accomplish this to have willing teachers become trained and certified as “reserve” police officers or deputy sheriffs, firearm qualified. Let teachers have guns By James Simakas / Columnist WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2006 At long last, a politician has realized [...]
The employee was driving the gray 2001 Lexus in Hackensack on an errand for the mayor shor
NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Car Stolen, Aide Beaten One of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s personal employees was beaten by a thief who then stole the billionaire’s car Wednesday morning in New Jersey, authorities said. ————————————————————————— The employee was driving the gray 2001 Lexus in Hackensack on an errand for the mayor shortly before 9 [...]
Letter: Gun ownership is a net benefit to society
Letter: Gun ownership is a net benefit to society Date: Oct 19, 2006 8:49 AM PUBLICATION: The Hamilton Spectator DATE: 2006.10.19 EDITION: Final SECTION: Opinion PAGE: A14 BYLINE: Bruce Mills SOURCE: The Hamilton Spectator ILLUSTRATION: Photo: Bruce Mills WORD COUNT: 561 ———————————————————————— ——– Gun ownership is a net benefit to society ———————————————————————— ——– The Firearms [...]
BRITAIN: Policewoman tells how an armed robber shot her Date: Oct 19, 2006 8:45 AM PUBLICATION: The Daily Telegraph DATE: 2006.10.19 PAGE: 009 SECTION: News BYLINE: Paul Stokes WORD COUNT: 615 ———————————————————————— ——– I saw the man raise his right hand. I saw the end, a hole in the end of the gun. I heard [...]
Letter: Worthless registry
Letter: Worthless registry Date: Oct 19, 2006 8:39 AM PUBLICATION: GLOBE AND MAIL DATE: 2006.10.19 PAGE: A18 BYLINE: TOM MCAULEY SECTION: Letter to the Edit EDITION: Metro DATELINE: Winnipeg MB WORDS: 166 ———————————————————————— ——– Worthless registry ———————————————————————— ——– I hope that I never experience the grief of losing a daughter, but the fact that Anastasia [...]
Gun-control folly
Gun-control folly Date: Oct 19, 2006 3:24 PM PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen DATE: 2006.10.19 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PNAME: Letters PAGE: A15 BYLINE: Ana Pereira SOURCE: The Ottawa Citizen WORD COUNT: 131 ———————————————————————— ——– Gun-control folly ———————————————————————— ——– Re: Mother charged with killing daughters, Oct. 5. I hope that recent cases of parents killing their [...]