Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category


August 29, 2006

Canada: After the Gun Registry Gary Mauser The Fraser Forum May, 2006 PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. Professor Mauser suggests creating a registry of people forbidden firearms ownership in Canada, as opposed to registering firearms themselves. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

How gun control has been used in the Darfur, Sudan genocide. Genocide and United Nations disarmament in other African countries. America’s First Freedom August 2006 The international gun prohibition lobbies and their United Nations allies insist that there is no personal right of self-defense?that people should be forced to rely exclusively on the government [...]

How Israel and Thailand are preventing Jihadi shootings The Volokh Conspiracy July 29, 2006 “At schools and other youth centers, they allow or require the presence of armed adults, such as teachers, as I detailed in a 2004 article for National Review Online.” The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

The U.N. Wants Your Gun

August 29, 2006

The U.N. Wants Your Gun Wall Street Journal En français: Polski (Polish): July 8, 2006 “The U.N. gun control program, of which this week’s small arms conference is a part, has already caused massive suffering and the loss of civil liberties in many nations around the world. Americans would be foolish to [...]

‘Never Again,’ Says SAF, One Year After Katrina Sparked Gun Grab Date: Aug 29, 2006 4:44 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE ?NEVER AGAIN,? SAYS SAF, ONE YEAR AFTER KATRINA SPARKED GUN GRAB BELLEVUE, WA ? ?One year ago, Hurricane Katrina brought devastation, death and despair to one of America?s great cities and the people who live [...]

Second Amendment Foundation Wants Bloomberg Prosecuted for Obstruction Date: Aug 28, 2006 5:05 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE SECOND AMENDMENT FOUNDATION WANTS BLOOMBERG PROSECUTED FOR OBSTRUCTION BELLEVUE, WA ? The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is calling on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to prosecute New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for obstruction of justice, for failing to turn [...]

S&W Gun ads aired during Pats game rile activists > Heretofore I had thought that lieberals only paid attention to soccer. > > Begin forwarded message: > > > Gun ads aired during Pats game rile activists > By Jessica Heslam – Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006 > ‘The Boston Herald’ / Boston, MA > > [...]


August 25, 2006

A GERMAN THOUGHT If any of you still feel that this war on terror is a mistake, here is an opinion from an unexpected source. This is not a problem that is going to be easy to solve. It is the struggle to maintain our Western way of life and the very culture that has [...]

JPFO ALERT: The Concealed Carry Lie Date: Aug 21, 2006 5:16 PM ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization August 21, 2006 JPFO ALERT: THE CONCEALED CARRY LIE We’ve written several times on the folly of a national Concealed Carry law, and why it’s a flawed idea (see [...]

Citzens Bank gun related loan policy Date: Aug 20, 2006 12:27 PM —–Original Message—– From: [email protected] On Behalf Of blackpowderbill Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 11:47 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [NTANews] Citizen’s Bank—firearms clubs, business and the like..are on the NO loan list Stop banking with Citizens Bank Forward by Wm.Brookover SCOPE Director @ Large [...]

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