Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Florida Neighborhood Arms Itself against Crime:
SOUNDS LIKE AN EXCELLENT IDEA FOR THE CLONe Neighborhood Watch! ========================== Florida Neighborhood Arms Itself against Crime: Leaders of a crime-plagued neighborhood near downtown are tired of talk and task forces. Instead, they’re taking up arms and preparing to become a “lock and loaded” community. Members of the Royal Poinciana Civic Association say they want [...]
Democratic Platform Misleads on RKBA:
?So the Second Amendment is now “an important part of the American tradition,” subject to as many rules and regulations as they deem “reasonable”? No! It is not merely tradition. It is our birthright! Inked in the blood of our forefathers, who fought and died at Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill and Trenton, Brandywine and [...]
HARROLD, TX SCHOOL OFFICIALS RIGHT ON CHANGE IN CAMPUS GUN POLICY, SAYS CCRKBA BELLEVUE, WA ? Harrold, Tex. School district trustees and Supt. David Thweatt deserve accolades for changing school policy to allow staff and teachers to carry concealed handguns to protect against school shootings, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear [...]
Suzzanna Gratia- Hupp: What The 2nd Amendmnet is REALLY about! The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Union City Ga: 75 yr old armed homeowner shoots home invader Suspected Teen Burglar Shot By Elderly Union City Homeowner Homeowner Said Would-Be Teen Burglar Gave Him No Choice POSTED: 12:11 pm EDT August 9, 2008 UPDATED: 1:00 pm EDT August 9, 2008 UNION CITY, Ga. — A 75-year-old Union City homeowner said a frightening break-in started when someone rang his doorbell. Then, the homeowner [...]
Man Shoots Pit Bull That Attacked His Boxer:
::::: In a vicious case of dog-on-dog violence, a pit bull busted out of its fence Friday morning and dashed into a neighbor’s yard, where it clamped its jaws onto the neck of a boxer. Then the owners got involved and it really got violent, with fists, guns and even a satellite dish used as [...]
Shooting of Cougar Ruled Justified: ?After spotting the
Shooting of Cougar Ruled Justified: ?After spotting the lion in a tree near his house, Burg shot it with a rifle. The big cat jumped down and ran into some tall grass. A game warden was called and dogs were used to track the mountain lion. The wounded animal was found about 40 yards from [...]
Oops, Wrong House: Chris Hooten, 34, of Greers Ferry, is
Oops, Wrong House: Chris Hooten, 34, of Greers Ferry, is recovering from a gunshot wound to his abdomen after a scuffle around 10:15 p.m. Friday. He reportedly entered a home without permission, fought and choked the homeowner, and was shot in the process. Hooten, and James Gadberry, 26, of Greers Ferry, reportedly went to the [...]
Gun-Toting in Georgia:
Gun-Toting in Georgia: If you intend to rob me, stab me or punch me in the neck because you think I looked at you funny, I recommend you glance at my waist before lifting the pull tab on that can of whoop-ass. I may be carrying a handgun. Nearly everyone in our state can legally [...]
Churches and Security Measures:
Churches and Security Measures: Following the tragic shooting at a Knoxville, Tennessee, Unitarian Universalist church, many churches are now asking what they can do to protect themselves from such attacks?When violence breaks out and police are not there, Hawkins says a well-trained armed security force is the best protection for a church. But he also [...]