Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
McDonald’s worker suspended for shooting at robber
McDonald’s worker suspended for shooting at robber Associated Press (IN) December 30, 2005 Bill backing deadly force nearer vote in House
Ninth Circuit Holds That Possession of an “Assault Weapon” Isn’t a “Crime of Violence
Courts Ninth Circuit Holds That Possession of an “Assault Weapon” Isn’t a “Crime of Violence” Judge Alex Kozinksi 9th Circuit Court of Appeals January 23, 2006$file/0410597.pdf PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similiar software. Judge Kozinski’s decision relied upon on statutory text, precedent, action by other government bodies, and understanding of the world.
To First U.S. Bobby, Unarmed Is Unsafe
To First U.S. Bobby, Unarmed Is Unsafe Kevin Sullivan The Washington Post December 11, 2005 ?Former American policeman Ben Johnson is challenging the British notion that the public is safer if law enforcement officers are unarmed.?
United Kingdom – ‘If you value your life carry a weapon’
United Kingdom – ‘If you value your life carry a weapon’ Jo Knowsley And Louisa Pritchard The Daily Mail January 15, 2006 ?Ordinary people should carry weapons if they want to be safe on Britain’s crime-ridden streets, the father of murdered lawyer Tom Ap Rhys Pryce’s fianc?e said last night.
Italy – Shooting a thief no longer a crime in Italy
Italy – Shooting a thief no longer a crime in Italy Reuters January 24, 2006 ?The Italian parliament has passed legislation allowing people to shoot robbers in self-defence.?
Statistics indicate gun control only increases crime
Statistics indicate gun control only increases crime Editorial Pierre Lemieux Montreal Gazette (Canada) January 22, 2006 ?Emotions, anecdotes, selective and poorly analyzed data, ignorance of social-science research: this is what gun-control activists have to offer.?
The AP lied to (and about) Barrett Rifles
The AP lied to (and about) Barrett Rifles ?Say Uncle` December 1, 2005 More on the Barrett Rifle Company?s efforts to counter the misstatements of Rose French?s article.
With ?Powerful Rifles Article, Journalist Shoots Herself in the Foot
With ?Powerful Rifles Article, Journalist Shoots Herself in the Foot Michael Marks, Director of Legislative Affairs Fifty Caliber Institute November 29, 2005> Marks Rebuttal Piece.pdf PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similiar software. Associated Press writer Rose French made many demonstrably untrue assertions in her article about civilian .50 caliber writers.
Brady Bill Anniversary
Brady Bill Anniversary The Volokh Conspiracy November 30, 2005 Dave notes the gap between the claims for the law and the actual results of its passage.
Gun rights and responsibilities
Gun rights and responsibilities Tom Moncure Editorial Daily Press (VA) December 20, 2005 Praise for Sanford Levinson?s The Embarrassing Second Amendment