Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

SAF CALLS CHICAGO TRIBUNE PLEA TO REPEAL 2A ?UNCONSCIONABLE? BELLEVUE, WA ? The Chicago Tribune?s call for repeal of the Second Amendment following the historic Heller Decision is an ?unconscionable attack on the entire Bill of Rights and the freedoms it protects,? the Second Amendment Foundation said today. In an editorial published on the day [...]

Gun Rights VICTORY

June 27, 2008 The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

Greetings! Thanks to all of you for your hard work these many years in spending your time to preserve the Second Amendment. This victory today at the U.S. Supreme Court is the culmination of tens of thousands of caring, hardworking, honest, independent and free Americans. These patriotic Americans made phone calls, donated money, sent e-mails, [...]

this is from the Law Firm That did the Amicus Brief for WAGC. ———————————————————————- An article from Southeastern Legal Foundation Date: Jun 26, 2008 2:23 PM Hello, this article has been sent to you from We hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to visit our website for more information on this and other topics [...]

High court affirms gun rights in historic decision Jennifer Deasy shoots her Colt Government .380 caliber pistol at a target at Niagara Gun Range in North Tonawanda, N.Y., Thursday June 26, 2008. David DupreyBy MARK SHERMAN (Associated Press Writer) From Associated Press June 26, 2008 4:27 PM EDT WASHINGTON – Silent on central questions of [...]

One More Look at the Wording of the Second Amendment: The Second Amendment is not that hard to understand – not if the person reading it has a lick of sense. I’ll prove it. What does this sentence (let’s call it S1) mean? ?My over-exuberant neighbors having a wild party next door, my wife called [...]

GEORGIA IS IN THE MIDDLE WITH 40% OF GEORGIANS OWNING WEAPONS What this means is that Georgians should buy more weapons. More than 80,000,000 American gunowners commited no gun crimes today. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

GeorgiaCarry.Org Member Barre Bollinger was intrigued by the Brady Center?s state ratings. A score of 100 is their highest possible score. Here iswhat Barre had to say. “I ran some numbers today on a sample of the 1st ten safest states vs. their Brady Score. Brady scores are from their own site. Violent crime stats [...]

Stephen P. Wenger, KE7QBY Firearm safety – It’s a matter for education, not legislation. <>; The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

Despite Lack of Guns, Japanese Suicide Rate Soars: Japanese professionals in their thirties are killing themselves at unprecedented rates, as the nation struggles with a runaway suicide epidemic. Newly published figures show that 30,093 people took their own lives in 2007- a 2.9 per cent increase in a year – leaving the country as the [...]

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