Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

I am a junior at Post Falls High School, PF, Idaho. In my speech class we are currently researching topics to give a persuade speech. I decided to persuade my fellow students against gun control. With some information that I got off of this site I won over 80% of my class. I would like [...]

CCRKBA Alerts NEWS RELEASE CCRKBA SAYS MARYLAND REPORT ON BALLISTIC IMAGING SHATTERS GUN TRACKING MYTHS A report by the Maryland State Police that recommends repeal of a law requiring collection of ballistic imaging information “shatters one of the favorite myths of gun control extremists,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms [...]

as well as the federal government, are considering new rules on letting law-abiding citizens carry guns. Does allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns deter violent crimes? Or does this cause otherwise law-abiding citizens to harm each other? Thirty-one states now have guaranteed their citizens the right to carry concealed handguns if applicants do not have [...]

GUNS&AMMO February 2005 Page 14 Guns In The Media ?Semi-Truths? Continue The assault weapons ban has come and gone?the twisted logic surrounding its media coverage is still here and thriving. On September 14, 2004, the air was a bit sweeter, carrying the distinct aroma of freedom. Of course, we know that the assault weapons ban [...]

and as gun laws tighten, crime rises and innocent law abiding citizens become unarmed victims…………. so goes gun control! _____________________________________________________________________________ Grappling with gun control; South Africa slaps tighter controls on firearm sales PUBLICATION: Toronto Star DATE: 2005.01.09 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: D2 SOURCE: New York Times BYLINE: Michael Wines ILLUSTRATION: Joao Silva new york times Jan [...]

ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization JANUARY 8, 2005 JPFO Alert: Viewers Rave over BATFE Fails the Test Video JPFO recently blindsided the BATFE with the release of our documentary BATFE Fails the Test ( The shocking, never- meant-to-be-seen raw footage shows agents trying unsuccessfully to prove [...]

……Cites Independence Institute’s David B. Kopel 7 Times !!!!!!!!!!! On Dec. 17 the United States Department of Justice today released the most thorough analysis of the Second Amendment ever conducted by the Executive Branch of the United States government. The title of the 93 page report, with 437 footnotes, is “Whether the Second Amendment Guarantees [...]

—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– DO NOT LET THIS ALERT DIE! PASS IT ON! GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE ALERT! Chris W. Stark – Director P.O. Box 16441 Colorado Springs, CO, 80935-6441 Office: 1-719-391-0943 [email protected] 28 August 2004 ++++++++++++++++++ Will there be another Terrorist attack? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You are receiving this message because you requested our alerts. Subscribe/UnSubscribe [...]

In gun free UK, kids are not shooting each other in school, they are cutting each other’s throat with a pencil sharpener, does gun control stop violent crimes?!?!?!?!?! I think NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! —————————————— Pencil sharpeners banned after attack WEAPON: A pencil sharpener blade PENCIL sharpeners have been banned from a primary school after a pupil [...]

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