Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
527 Petition to kick anti-gun, corrupt, scandal-ridfen UN out of the US
527 Petition to kick anti-gun, corrupt, scandal-ridfen UN out of the US
Happy Thanksgiving to all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We thank God for these men and women in US Military who fight to defend freedom every day !
USA: Is Media Promoting Wisconsin Murderer?
—–Original Message—– From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:41 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Is Media Promoting Wisconsin Murderer? FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 23, 2004, Bloomfield Press Contact: Felicity Bower 1-800-707-4020 Media brazenly promotes Wisconsin murderer Media brazenly promotes Wisconsin murderer Media brazenly promotes Wisconsin murderer On the same day a madman killed five human [...]
Busting some caps in lower Manhattan
Busting some caps in lower Manhattan by Sarah Portlock Columnist Sarah Portlock prepares to blast holes in an NRA-approved target with a .22 caliber semiautomatic rifle. PHOTO: Ashwin Desmukh /WSN Facing another four years of Bush, I realized it was high time to see what the Second Amendment crowd is so frothed up about. [...]
This isn’t Dan Rather’s first time in hot water
This isn’t Dan Rather’s first time in hot water By Ron Schara ESPN Outdoors November, 2004 “Dan Rather’s recent fall from journalistic grace happened — for some of us — a long time ago. The evening of Sept. 5, 1975, to be exact. On that day, a much younger and very dashing Dan Rather [...]
Owner’s Manuals
Owner’s Manuals Stephen Ricciardelli November 08, 2004 This thoughtful gentleman has produced an excellent archive of firearms owners’ manuals which he has converted to Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, which are required to view or print them. He solicits additional manuals and donations for this praiseworthy-and potentially life-saving-effort.
AK-47 National Review Online: The Corner October 16, 2004 The authentic AK-47 (an automatic rifle) is not and never has been illegal; but it is very severely regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934, which covers automatic firearms.
For Your Viewing
For Your Viewing National Review Online: The Corner October 16, 2004 A new 14-minute film, now available for web viewing, uses Michael Moore’s film-making techniques to examine J.R.R. Tolkien’s War of the Ring.
Michael Moore and Osama bin Laden:
Michael Moore and Osama bin Laden: The Volokh Conspiracy Nov. 1, 2004 Osama is Michael Moore’s most famous fan..
Bait-’n’-Switch. Gun-prohibition lobbyists are after much more than AK-47s. The National Review Online September 13, 2004>