Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Supreme Court Gun Cases
Supreme Court Gun Cases
Gun Secrets at the Supreme Court Revealed
Gun Secrets at the Supreme Court Revealed SAF Book Recommendation: Have you heard that the Supreme Court has been pretty silent about guns? That what little they have said generally supports anti-gun-rights people? It turns out that’s completely false. New research reveals that the High Court has consistently recognized the individual right to keep and [...]
CCRKBA HAILS ILLINOIS HOUSE VETO OVERRIDE BLAGOJEVICH SELF-DEFENSE VETO “Common sense has prevailed over political correctness in Illinois,” said Joe Waldron, executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) as the Illinois House of Representatives voted to override Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s veto of an important self-defense measure today. [...]
A cheap and humane solution to the “unhappy Democrat” problem..?
A cheap and humane solution to the “unhappy Democrat” problem..? Finally a way out!! (and it’s FREE!!)
MAJORITY FOR HANDGUN OWNERSHIP . . . A Gallup survey found that 63 percent of U.S. citizen
MAJORITY FOR HANDGUN OWNERSHIP . . . A Gallup survey found that 63 percent of U.S. citizens oppose laws banning private possession of handguns. Thirty-six percent support gun bans. Coincidentally or not, these percentages, 63-36, are the identical percentages of gun-owner votes cast respectively for President Bush versus Senator Kerry, according to exit polls.
SPORTSMEN AGAINST HUNGER WEEK . . . Safari Club International Foundation has designated No
SPORTSMEN AGAINST HUNGER WEEK . . . Safari Club International Foundation has designated November 14-20 the second annual Sportsmen Against Hunger Week, delivering the plea that hunters offer some of their game to programs that will process the meat and put it into the channels that will ultimately deliver it to the needy. Participants will [...]
City woman awarded bravery award for disarming gunman
City woman awarded bravery award for disarming gunman PUBLICATION: The Edmonton Sun DATE: 2004.11.16 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: 3 ILLUSTRATION: 2 photos by Tim Smith, Special to the Edmonton Sun 1. Christine Sieben of Gleniffer Lake, shown here with boyfriend Aaron Roberge, was six months pregnant with their son Griffen Roberge when she saved [...]
It felt good!
To be the only woman operating a handgun at the indoor shooting range at bass pro shops! Dh and I have three kiddos and preffer to leave them with no one. So last week we went to bass pro shops and took turns playing with the 9. It was awesome and so empowering! Mom against [...]
Martin says Liberals were hurt in the B.C. Interior by the gun registry and the sponsorshi
Martin says Liberals were hurt in the B.C. Interior by the gun registry and the sponsorship scandal PUBLICATION: Vancouver Sun DATE: 2004.11.15 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A3 BYLINE: Peter O’Neil SOURCE: Vancouver Sun DATELINE: PENTICTON ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo: Tom Hanson, Canadian Press / After PrimeMinister Paul Martin attended the weekend convention of the federal [...]
DO GUN LAWS IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY? AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY OF GUN LAWS AND VIOLENT CRIME Presented to the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology Nashville, TN – November 2004 by Professor Gary A. Mauser Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies Faculty of Business Administration Simon Fraser University CANADA V5A 1S6 Abstract Criminologists [...]