Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

‘Botched’ gun registry faces budget axe: NOTE: Versions of this Canadian Press article also appeared in: the Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Sun, Calgary Sun, Winnipeg Sun, Toronto Sun, London Free Press, Edmonton Sun, Montreal Gazette and Winnipeg Free Press. PUBLICATION: Times Colonist (Victoria) DATE: 2004.10.24 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A4 BYLINE: Bruce Cheadle [...]

Neal Knox Report (leads with Kerry hunter hype) Date: Oct 23, 2004 10:43 AM Oct. 22 Neal Knox Report ? Democrat Presidential Candidate John Kerry went hunting yesterday, allegedly for geese, but mainly for votes in the hard-fought battleground state of Ohio. It was properly hyped, with a well-announced visit Wednesday to a gun store, [...]

John Kerry Wasn’t Hunting – He Was Killing By Larry S. Moore Commentary October 22, 2004 Of all John Kerry’s flip-flops, Thursday’s staged hunting trip in Ohio was certainly one of the biggest FLOPS. The effort to portray him as a “guy’s guy” showed instead that John Kerry is still an elitist. Most of [...]

“We should ban guns because people have a ‘right to feel safe,’ but the right to feel safe by owning firearms for defense is not valid.”

You Were Wrong

October 23, 2004

So many of the gun ban fanatics felt that banning guns in the U.K. and several other countries would stop accidental shootings, murder and other crimes. You were wrong. Not only did the bans fail to accomplish their purpose they turned those ereas into crime zones where criminals do as they please, with the FULL [...]

COPS SAY CITY CAN’T AFFORD MORE OFFICERS, and so who is responsible for the safety of the citizens if the cops admit they don’t have enough to protect you? PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Sun DATE: 2004.10.22 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: 4 ILLUSTRATION: photo of VINCE BEVAN BYLINE: DEREK PUDDICOMBE, OTTAWA SUN ———————————————————————— ——– HANDCUFFED BY [...]

Gun registry had to cough up $63,000 for violating photo copyright PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen DATE: 2004.10.22 EDITION: Final SECTION: News PAGE: A3 BYLINE: Bill Curry SOURCE: The Ottawa Citizen ———————————————————————— ——– Gun registry had to cough up $63,000 for violating photo copyright: report: Review reveals ‘irresponsible’ spending, theft ———————————————————————— ——– The much-maligned Canadian Firearms [...]

(NV) Newspaper columnist shoots intruder 10-20-04 Pahrump Valley Times – Nye County’s Largest Newspaper Circulation Address: October 20, 2004 HOME INVASION PVT columnist shoots intruder MAN CRASHED ROCK THROUGH DOOR WINDOW TO GAIN ENTRY; SUSPECT’S FAMILY CONTACTS POLICE By DOUG McMURDO Dan Simmons uses a pen to lend perspective to where a bullet he fired [...]

Fine firearms found in Iraq

October 21, 2004

Check here for some fine firearms found in Iraq.

Brady Campaign Fudges Figures (AGAIN) In the press release by the Brady Bunch there was the phrase, “preferred by criminals over law abiding citizens eight to one.” It is supposedly from an ATF report as documented in: The actual quote from the above paper is: “Using the weapons identified in the Anti-Crime Act, in [...]

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