Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

We Will Not Disarm Notice To All Politicians It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this nation who believe unbendingly in the Constitution of the United States of America. Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down that road. We will not disarm and see [...]

You and your family are at 30,000 feet… FYI (copy below, reference links in original): ************************************************************ 30,000 Feet Kent Snyder The Liberty Committee You’re sitting in seat 22A of a Boeing 737 traveling 530 mph at 30,000 feet. The flight attendants complete their beverage service and the in-flight movie begins. At that moment,six terrorists [...]

Ohio Concealed Carry & The “Anti’s” Were Wrong Again… Open mouth, insert foot….. [grin]. Dispatch: Fewer permits, problems than were expected Ohioans for Concealed Carry – Cleveland,OH,USA … But Lori O’Neill, vice president of the Cleveland chapter of the Million Mom March, said her group didn’t make such predictions. … In actuality, more than 26,000 [...]

“It’s safer to do nothing than resist with a gun, which is why the military wins so many wars by not fighting.”

Don’t Close Your Blinds

October 8, 2004

: Don’t Close Your Blinds The other day, my nine year old son wanted to know why we were at war. My husband looked at our son and then looked at me. My husband and I were in the Army during the Gulf War and we would be honored to serve and defend our Country [...]

(MI) Burglar shot by storeowner, ruled self-defense 10-06-04 Address: 17-year-old charged with break-in at produce store Wednesday, October 06, 2004 By Lisa Medendorp CHRONICLE STAFF WRITER The teen-ager who was shot by an Egelston Township store owner after a break-in last week has been released from the hospital and on Tuesday was arraigned in 60th [...]

A KNIFE was weapon of choice in this crime, HOWEVER:A firearm saved a life! ———————————————————— (FL) Homeowner shoots violent intruder 10-06-04 Metro: Westside man shoots intruder, 17 10/06/04 Address: Homeowner shoots her in face as she charges with butcher knife, police say. By BRIDGET MURPHY The car keys were on the dining room table, [...]

Excuse ME??????????????

October 7, 2004

“In the meantime, officers say they don’t condone vigilante-style justice. Instead they recommend just handing over the money.” I don’t know about the rest of you, but I work too freakin’ hard “just to hand over my money”. You want it?…. bring a freakin body bag ! =================== Store Owner Shoots Back At Suspects [...]

“Hunting licence fees in the U.S. alone amount to $2.4 billion a year,” Hunters defend their turf at CITES meet By Ed Stoddard 06 Oct 2004 09:35:40 GMT Source: Reuters BANGKOK, Oct 6 (Reuters) – The fur can really fly at big conservation meetings where hunters rub shoulders with animal welfare activists who dismiss [...]

DID YOU KNOW? . . Major police labor groups that originally supported the 1994 “assault weapon” gun “ban” have now recognized its failure and declined to support the renewal. The National Association of Police Organizations, a group that has endorsed John Kerry for president, chose not to support the renewal of the ban, a reversal [...]

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