Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Mark Steyn Column: THE JOYS OF GUN-FREE BRITAIN Date: Jul 20, 2004 4:54 PM Mark Steyn On-Line THE JOYS OF GUN-FREE BRITAIN from The Sunday Telegraph, January 1st 2003 IN THE ABSENCE OF GUNS The American Spectator, June 2000

LIBERAL PROMISE: Registration will choke off supply of firearms to criminals Justice Minister Allan Rock, House of Commons Debates, Thursday, February 16, 1995: “Criminals acquire their firearms in the underground market illegally. Surely we must choke off the sources of supply for that underground market. Surely we must reduce the number of firearms smuggled into [...]

The Media’s Assault Weapons Misinformation Campaign With the “Assault Weapons” ban due to expire in mid-September, right in the middle of a heated presidential election, we are likely to have a replay of the gun control misinformation campaign parroted by a willing media. Good read below. REASON * June 2000 SHOOTING BLIND Press coverage of [...]

GUNS&AMMO August2004 Page 16 In The Field Tom Gresham Guns In The Media Return To Sanity Or More Guns Lost? Whether you shoot a Ruger 10/22, a Remington 1100 or a Browning Buckmaster, your gun is threatened. In fact, all firearms ownership is threatened. Buckle your seatbelts, ?cause it?s going to be a bumpy ride. [...]

WA) Assailant dies in shooting 07-02-04 Date: Jul 3, 2004 12:37 AM BREAKING NEWS updated: 12:00 AM 7/2/2004.2 Thurston County man dies from gunshot wounds Scott Gutierrez The Olympian A 49-year-old man shot outside of Rainier has died from his wounds, the sheriff’s office reported. Scott J. Keith, of 15018 McIntosh Lane S.E., was [...]

I knew it!

July 2, 2004

Some time ago I posted a note that observed that some politcos were predicting that Hitlery Clinton would be Kerry’s running mate in November. I made the following observation: >>>It sort of got me to thinking regarding a Kerry/Clinton ticket…remember the old saw that a Vice-President is only a heartbeat away from the Oval Office? [...]

Re: PAXTON QUIGLEY GUN SEMINAR Date: Jul 1, 2004 4:50 PM SAFEGUARD YOUR FUTURE! Paxton Quigley’s Hand-Gun Safety Training Seminar At The LAX Firing Range, Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Tuition: $150 Range Fee: $35 ? Hands-on training: Home, street and office defense ?People’s cultural conditioned fears of guns: Overcoming them [...]

(SC) Homeowner shoots agressor in self-defense 07-01-04 Date: Jul 1, 2004 4:47 PM <> 7/1/04 Clarendon homeowner shoots man in self-defense By Kent Compton A Manning youth was shot Friday when he and his companions refused to leave the premises of Willie McCray of Turbeville. Jacob A. Cantey, age unknown, was shot once in the [...]


July 1, 2004

CRIME STRIKE Date: Jul 1, 2004 4:53 PM A show on the Reality Channel called Crime Stirke is unabashedly pro-gun. Each week-night from 8-9 p.m. the show reenacts several incidents in which Americans have saved lives by using guns to defend themselves and others. It also has segments on other issues relating to crime and [...]

CCRKBA CHALLENGES NEW HAVEN, CT POLICE CHIEF, JESSE JACKSON ABOUT WAL-MART GUN SALES The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today chided Wal-Mart for giving into pressure from city officials in New Haven, CT and agreeing to stop the ! sale of firearms, bowhunting equipment and paintball guns at its [...]

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