Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

QUOTE: The weapon, Buck said, was homemade, a “non-commercially manufactured” firearm. can’t buy a gun? No problemo……. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PUBLICATION: Toronto Star DATE: 2004.05.03 SECTION: News PAGE: B01 BYLINE: Moira Welsh —————————————————————————– Husband charged in woman’s slaying ——————————————————————————– Thirteen-month-old Jayden Loppie learned to walk by holding tight to his mother’s hand. At a family barbecue Saturday, [...]

PUBLICATION: Calgary Herald DATE: 2004.05.02 EDITION: Final SECTION: Opinion PAGE: A16 BYLINE: Marc Thibault SOURCE: Calgary Herald ——————————————————————————– Dumb idea ——————————————————————————– Re: “Smart gun closer to reality,” April 15. This bizarre system will require two chips — one in each hand — because an officer needs to be able to shoot weak-handed in some circumstances. [...]

Former Military Colleagues: Kerry ‘Unfit to Be Commander in Chief’ by Marc Morano Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of presumptive Democrat nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed letter that he is “unfit to be commander in chief.” They will do so at a press conference Tuesday in Washington. “What [...]

I just got ahold of this little tale to make you laugh: A little old lady got done with a nice day of shopping at the mall. Once in the parking lot she saw four strange men sitting in her car. Dropping her bags, she pulled a handgun and warned them to get out or [...]

Which Gun?

May 2, 2004

I hope you don’t mind a guy being here. I want to get my wife a weapon and was wondering what you great ladies opinions are for Self Defense Guns? Basically what do you all own. It is legal here to carry concealed with no CC permitting. I hope this starts a good debate. I’m [...]

MN) Gun law turns one year old 04-29-04[email protected]&KRD_RM=2rkrqqrkjknlpiiiiiiiijjjqj|Newslinks|N Posted on Thu, Apr. 29, 2004 OF THE PEOPLE: Gun law turns 1 year old BY JIM RAGSDALE Pioneer Press David Haagensen drives to work with his gun on the seat next to him, and he says it came in handy one night a few weeks [...]

MI) Detroit woman tells of self-defense shooting 04-29-04 Intruder’s killer: ‘I had no choice’ Detroit woman tells of self-defense shooting April 29, 2004 BY BEN SCHMITT FREE PRESS STAFF WRITER Their eyes locked. Then Barbara Holland saw the barrel of the gun. She lay on the floorin her house after an intruder had knocked [...]

By Any Other Name…

April 30, 2004

GUNS&AMMO June 2004 Guns In The Media Page 18 By Any Other Name… Tom Gresham Don?t be fooled by the Democratic party?s new gun strategy. I find it strange these days to see Democratic presidential candidates running over each other to be photographed hunting pheasants or saying nice things about the Second Amendment. As any [...]

Under The Microscope

April 30, 2004

Be sure to read the next to last paragraph. It will get your attention. GUNS&AMMO June 2004 Second Amendment Page 32 Under The Microscope John Hay Rabb Even the ‘experts’ are realizing that ballistic fingerprinting isn?t all it?s cracked up to be. For many years, forensic ballistics has been the gold standard used for matching [...]

John Lott. FYI (copy below): ************************************************************ Change to concealed carry law will make NH safer By JOHN R. LOTT Jr. Guest Commentary DEBATES OVER whether citizens should be allowed to carry concealed handguns always seems to end up with fearful stories about what might happen. We hear horror stories about how permit holders might [...]

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