Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

I know this is real hot issue. I know I may get in trouble for this one. But please, will you listen to a friend out there? Patriots don’t always support the Government, do they? I do just not believe the American and British allies are doing the right thing out there in Iraq. A [...]

In the end, this article is nothing but a PR piece for the antigun march in May. AK-47s Headed to U.S. Had Legal Permits By CURT ANDERSON .c The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) – A U.S.-bound shipment of thousands of AK-47 assault rifles and other combat-type weapons, seized by Italian authorities who suspected they were [...]

too bad it wasn’t the Mom who had the gun , the little girl might not have been in as bad shape……… \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (KY) Neighbor uses gun to save child from vicious pit bull04-28-04 > > Address: > > > Apr 28, 3:51 PM EDT > Girl critical after being attacked by dog > [...]

Actual Assault Weapons

April 28, 2004

Actual Assault Weapons Lawrence J. Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation tries to educate the New York Times` editorial writers. Editor: This letter is directed to the U administration. Be advised that you can no longer enforce your anti-gun agenda. Senate Bill 48 is the law. This campus and its staff have to follow the law. Besides, concealed weapon by definition means concealed. You will not know if a student is packing heat. Plus, [...]

US to Canada: “Stop harassing gun owners or we’ll stop hunting there!” — Help send a strong message to our northern neighbor Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Oscar Lacombe is a 75-year-old Canadian veteran of the [...]

New pro Gun radio show

April 27, 2004

I am writing to ask for your help. Could you transmit to your e-mail list this information about the new pro-gun radio show? I am guessing that several of your e-mail list members might be asked to appear as guests on the show in the future. The show, called High Noon Saturdays — locally produced [...]

When You Come For My Guns. Larry Simoneaux, 04/26/04 Author biography and archives – Printer friendly version I guess I’m just tired of it all. Tired of the bogus definitions (see: “assault weapons” or “assault rifles”) and the slanted or just plain false statistics constantly being quoted. Tired of the skewed reporting and glaring omissions [...]

WHAT WENT WRONG AT COLUMBINE By Larry Pratt June 12, 2003 Brian Rohrbough is the father of one of the victims at Columbine. In an interview I conducted with him for my talk show Live Fire, my listeners were informed of the continuing lawsuits pursued by Rohrbough to pry the information from the authorities [...]

ALERT: JPFO’s Richard Stevens on Radio/Internet Broadcast 24 April Arizona residents in nearly every part of the state will be able to hear the new pro-rights radio show on KFNX AM 1100 — it’s called High Noon Saturdays, with Steve Kates. It airs at 12 Noon this Saturday, April 24. Listeners worldwide can hear the [...]

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