Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
I was just watching a news program opining about the possibility of a Kerry presidential ticket tapping out Hitlery Clinton as a Vice-Pres running mate. Apparently they were convinced that should Kerry look like he has a chance, Hitlery has one chance of becoming President-Kerry serves eight years then she runs when he leaves office. [...]
Whinning about guns
From WAGC- MO…………… _______________________________________________________ Whinning about guns “The aliens have landed, the Cubs won the world series, guns will kill all our children”. Actually the first two could happen…the first more likely than the second…but the third is a complete myth. I say that because guns don’t kill anyone…PEOPLE who misuse guns kill people. I [...]
(CA) Store owner kills intruders-fears retribution 03-08-04 Store Owner Kills Intruders; Fears Retribution Memorial Erected For Dead Men March 8, 2004 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A Sacramento grocery store owner says he fears retribution after killing two men while defending his life and property. Chong Her, 67, said his Franklin Boulevard store has repeatedly been burglarized. Her also lives on the premises, [...]
(NY) Shots fired by resident in self-defense 03-08-04
(NY) Shots fired by resident in self-defense 03-08-04 City police say shots fired in self-defense No charges are filed against resident in burglary. One suspect is wounded. March 08, 2004 By Jim Read Staff writer A Syracuse man was defending himself when he fired two shotgun blasts at two men who broke into his [...]
(SC) Resident shoots ax-wielding intruder 03-09-04
a bad guy whose TOOL in the commission of a crime was an horrid ol’ AXE, oooooh my ….imagine that! A law abiding homeowner who refused to be an UNARMED Victim………. geeeeeeeeee, imagine that!> Anderson man shoots ax-wielding intruder in bedroom Posted on Tue, Mar. 09, 2004 Associated Press ANDERSON, S.C. – Police likely [...]
We must do whatever we can to regulate how guns are used. I’ve been a victim of a stabbing. Al Sharpton, May 3, 2003
Democrats Come Clean: They Still Treat Gun Owners As the Enemy By Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman After two years filled with pontifications, photo-op pheasant hunts, visits to gun ranges and shooting events, leading Democrats who have been insisting that they support the rights of gun owners have pretty much put an end to that [...]
Gun-shy Democrats still can’t shoot straight
Gun-shy Democrats still can’t shoot straight FYI (copy below): Thursday, March 04, 2004 – Page updated at 12:00 A.M. Collin Levey / Times editorial columnist Gun-shy Democrats still can’t shoot straight No duel between a cowboy and a soldier would be complete without a gun battle and, thanks to Congress, it looks like we’ll [...]
Guns vs. Cars
Does anyone know where i can find a statistic showing the average number of gun related accidents a year vs. the number of car accidents a year? (assuming that the gun number is lower, otherwise i dont need it) thanks Beth
Hi! Me again!!
Something else about the “assault weapons”. Did you ever notice alot of these “dangerous” weapons are of a lighter caliber, like easier for a woman to shoot? Another, and maybe most important, thing WE CAN’T HAVE