Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Ruby Ridge/Waco

March 1, 2004

i know there are books about Ruby Ridge.. but are there any about Waco? Also, who is the author of the book “every knee shall bow”? it’s a book about the whole situation in ruby ridge ~beth

Letter: MOST MEDIA IGNORED GUN REGISTRY WARNINGS Date: Feb 28, 2004 11:25 AM PUBLICATION: The London Free Press DATE: 2004.02.28 EDITION: Final SECTION: Opinion Pages PAGE: F3 BYLINE: GARY RAMSEY, TILLSONBURG COLUMN: Letters to the Editor ——————————————————————————– MOST MEDIA IGNORED GUN REGISTRY WARNINGS ——————————————————————————– In his letter, Canadian media lap-dogs of Liberals, Joseph Molnar points [...]

Groups use First Amendment rights to express Second Amendment NRA, College Republicans support right to carry guns by Chuck McShane UT B&P Editor February 26, 2004 Jamie Duncan and Aaron Von Gilder sat in front of the Belk Tower last Thursday afternoon passing out flyers and telling anyone who would listen about the Second Amendment. [...]

CCRKBA CONGRATULATES MISSOURI SUPREME COURT FOR GUN RIGHTS RULING The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today congratulated the Missouri Supreme Court for its intellectual honesty in ruling that there is no constitutional prohibition aga! inst carrying concealed firearms, thus upholding the Legislature’s override of Gov. Bob Holden’s veto last year. [...]

(PA) Permit holder pulls gun on would-be robber 02-25-04 Senior citizen pulls gun on knife-wielding robber Bucks County Courier Times February 25, 2004 4:27 AM A senior citizen using the men’s room yesterday at a popular Middletown eatery was approached by a would-be robber waving a knife. The potential victim responded by pulling out [...]

An oldie but goodie !

February 25, 2004

Address to the House Judiciary Committee’ s subcommittee Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national Leaders during this special [...] NEWS RELEASE – February 25, 2004 BREITKREUZ RELEASES DRAFT PLAN TO REGISTER CRIMINALS – NOT DUCK HUNTERS “Statistics Canada data proves that criminals are the problem – not law-abiding gun owners.” Ottawa – Today, Garry Breitkreuz, Deputy House Leader and Official Opposition Justice Critic for Gun Control, released the first draft of his plan [...]

- Semi-auto “Assault Weapons” – no Different from Many Hunting Guns and Assault Weapons Bills Often Affect Traditional Hunting Guns! – Semi-auto Ban Could Affect 50 Percent of Gun Owners! Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claimed the original law would only ban 19 types of firearms; other government officials dispute this claim. The Bureau of Alcohol, [...]

FRANK LAUTENBERG ‘A LIAR’ IN STATEMENTS ABOUT TACOMA GUN SHOP, SAYS CCRKBA New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg, in public debate over passage of S.659/S.1805, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, today lied about the role that a Tacoma, WA gun shop! played in the acquisition of a rifle by convicted Beltway snipers John [...]

Need ideas for school paper

February 25, 2004

i am writing a paper in school on a problem that affects me directly or indirectly well the problem i chose was gun control. (at first my teacher wasn’t gonna let me do it, until i explained to her that it’s a problem to anyone who loves their freedom) but what points do u feel [...]

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