Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
> The Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage – Thursday, December
> The Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage – Thursday, December >18, 2003 at 10:54 > The Journalist’s Guide to Gun Violence Coverage > > Guns are a sad fact of life in American culture and are a major >topic in modern journalism. A good Journalist has a duty to get involved >and make a [...]
Hanukkah and the Second Amendment
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins Friday night. Its lesson is, “Freedom isn’t free.” This for Eric Yoffie’s Union of “American” “Hebrew” Congregations:
Happy Bill Of \Rights day :)
This day was signed into practice by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on December 15, 1941, one hundred and fifty years after the actual signing of the Bill of Rights by our forefathers. Ironically, he proclaimed the holiday just one week after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor initiating the United States’ involvement in World War II [...]
Column: For effective gun control, use both hands
Column: For effective gun control, use both hands PUBLICATION: The Whitehorse Star DATE: 2003.12.12 SECTION: Opinion PAGE: 16 COLUMN: Comment BYLINE: Gaffin, Jane —————————————————————————- —- For effective gun control, use both hands —————————————————————————- —- It was God who made women but Colonel Colt made us equal. Yet gun-control fanatics like Sarah Brady, Barbara Streisand, Janet [...]
They CAUGHT Saddam Insane :)
Middle East – AP Iraq Council Confirms Saddam Caught Alive 7 minutes ago By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer BAGHDAD, Iraq – U.S. military captured Saddam Hussein (news – web sites) alive in his hometown of Tikrit on Sunday, eight months after the fall of Baghdad, the Iraqi Governing Council said. Celebratory gunfire erupted in [...]
Woman dead after being BEATEN in her own home
Metal bar? what perp needs a gun when metal bar is handy….. Guns are tools , metal bars are tools – tools are innanimate objects! Stop blaming inanimate objects! Too bad this victim didn’t have a self defense weapon! ——————————————————- Woman dead after being beaten in her own home A Taft man is facing murder [...]
arming airline pilots/Where are the volunteers?
The large majority of Americans who support arming airline pilots might rightfully ask: Where are the volunteers? The answer to the question is really quite simple. The TSA has very intentionally and successfully minimized the number of volunteers through thinly veiled threats and by making the program difficult and threatening to get into. Airline pilots [...]
Where Are The Armed Pilots?
Where Are The Armed Pilots? On Nov. 25, 2002, President Bush signed the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act. The law compelled the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to train and arm airline pilots who volunteered for the program. One year later, many Americans believe that large numbers of airline pilots are now carrying guns. Sadly, they [...]
Baghdad”s Murder Rate Irresponsibly Distorted
Baghdad”s Murder Rate Irresponsibly Distorted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld created a ruckus when he said: ?You`ve got to remember that if Washington, D.C., were the size of Baghdad, we would be having something like 215 murders a month.? This bothered some simply because it indicated that Iraq was being handled well. But another aspect upset [...]