Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Criminals do NOT have to liscence and register their weapons…..
FAST FACTS- -According to the U.S. Supreme Court, criminals do not have to obtain licenses or register their weapons, as that would be an act of self- incrimination. (Haynes vs. U.S. 390 U.S. 85, 1968) Why the heck should law abiding citizens be forced to then?
RE: A Better Way?
—– Original Message —– From: [email protected] To: Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:09 PM Subject: Better way? Hello >HI, >I surmise your organization consists of paranoid, belligerent women (obviously). Typical anti gun, anti \self defense name calling! However WAGC is willing to protect your US Constituiton, Bill Of Rights, Article l freedom of speech even [...]
The ‘need’ argument is false and the product of narrow minds. The FF identified natural rights in the BOR. They are not subject to need or government whim (in theory, anyway ). Whether or not you think I ‘need’ freedom of speech or ‘need’ an evil black semi-auto, I still possess the right to exercise [...]
The TYPICAL Hateful antigunner showing his true colors.
I fear these type of people more than criminals and tyrants………… Anti-gunners are typically violent people at heart. This is why they fear gun ownership.. because they project their own fears of what THEY would do with a gun if they had one. ————————- Gun Banner Wishes My Family to Be Murdered and Die Slowly [...]
“A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” – Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Advocates: Guns are good :A look at the pro-gun view in Utah
Advocates: Guns are good :A look at the pro-gun view in Utah…ff?in_archive=1 —————————— Advocates: Guns are good :A look at the pro-gun view in Utah Claudia Hepner with Women Against Gun Control shows off a holster for women that is meant to be worn on the thigh, underneath a dress. By Colleen Coleman | [...]
NRA still on target with gun magazine aimed at women
FYI (copy below): ************************************************************ NRA still on target with gun magazine aimed at women Publication meets growing demand, organization says By Dana Calvo, Globe Correspondent, 11/28/2003 HOUSTON — The cover of the glossy magazine Woman’s Outlook each month features an attractive woman in her 30s or 40s holding a gun and wearing a self-assured, [...]
Gun permit applicants increasingly are women
FYI (copy below): ************************************************************ Sunday, 11/30/03 Gun permit applicants increasingly are women By JAY HAMBURG Staff Writer Even after working several years as a prison guard, Twanda McCurry never felt the need to carry a gun for protection outside of work, and especially not after she went into a new business as an office [...]