Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category Police: Man shoots intruder Bajeerah Lowe , Staff Writer 11/07/2003 COATESVILLE — Two men armed with guns who burst into a home in the 400 block of Victoria Drive Wednesday and demanded money got a little surprise when one of the people inside the home had better aim, police said. One of the intruders, [...]

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given [...]

Blown Away

November 10, 2003

The California idiots ran the Great Western Show out of their state, too afraid that gun owners would load up them weapons and commence a shootin. Saturday the show was here, and of course we went and spent five hours walking. It was truly incredible. Of course it would take too much space to relate [...]

Ind: Elderly Female clerk in liquor store kills assailant ———————— andt for all those so called self defense women who think that just because they can and want to “kick a man’s ass” with their martial arts that EVERYONE should be able/want to………. “He was a pretty good-sized guy – about 6-feet, 1-inch and 240 [...]

SCORE ANOTHER SUCCESS FOR GRASSROOTS LOBBYING By Larry Pratt November 8, 2003 The Hill is a Capitol Hill newspaper covering Congress and politics. A recent article was devoted to what seemed to The Hill as a surprising story: Gun Owners of America has stalled an education bill that passed the Senate 90-0. The bill, [...]

Lott: Bound to Misfire

November 8, 2003

Lott: Bound to Misfire Bound to Misfire This week President Bush’s program, Project Childsafe, begins distributing 20 million gun locks. Over 712,000 locks will be given out just in New York. It seems like such a reasonable program, who could oppose it? After all, if a gun lock can save a life, it seems a [...]

I personally like #8! Nancy ——————————— Subject: Better Safe Than Sorry Please take the time to read this. I know you are smart enough to know these pointers but there will be some, where you will go, ” Hmm, I must remember that.” After reading this, forward it to someone you care about. It never [...]

State police report opposes expanding gun database Ballistics system has flaws, crime lab director says {exerpt} “The database – which has cost $2.1 million over the past three years – has generated four matches, and in each case, police already had the gun they were trying to trace, according to the report.”,0,1707399.story

As gun control legislation goes, the assault weapons ban is a laughingstock. Let me suggest that all Americans, no matter which side they are on in the gun debate, can be relieved if and when Congress permits this absurd law to sunset and be forgotten quickly.

Guns and Feminism

November 6, 2003

It IS the anti gun women who are attempting to destroy our RKBA, Folks. THAT is the NUMBER ONE REASON WAGC was founded… “shoot holes” in the MYTH that NOT all women are anti gun AND to get pro gun ladies up off their butts and into the fight! Pro Gun Ladies MUST stand up [...]

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