Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

TX) Clerk shoots armed robber 10-25-03 Date: Oct 27, 2003 1:15 AM [url][/url] Convenience Store Clerk Shoots Suspect In Attempted Robbery POSTED: 12:20 p.m. CDT October 25, 2003 DALLAS — Police say a Dallas convenience store clerk took the law into his own hands overnight, shooting and killing a would-be robber. Police say a man [...]

…………….. no better or no worse than any other tool, an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that”.

Peak Antifreeze Supports Anti-Hunters Newcomers to the thread take note: PEAK has backed off of their support of AHA since this thread was started. Art, I wrestled as to where to post this. So If needs to be moved, I apologize. _______…i?id=1066940780 Peak Antifreeze Supports Anti-Hunters – Grizzly A sample of the rebate form [...]

Another anti gum HYPOCRIT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===================================================== 8. Richmond’s former anti-gun police chief in trouble – over a gun File this under the heading “Only police should have guns.” Note that Oliver admits he did not know the law on transporting a handgun on an airplane. What would HE have told YOU if YOU had made that [...]

About REAL stupidity

October 25, 2003

Allowing for the fact that I’m more careful with my laundry (hey how many guys do laundry in the first place!!) I got this little piece in the mail about one of our opponents. It seems to me that if I wanted to make safety issues regarding airplanes I should have the brains to know [...]

The Cop Revolt Against Gun Control ———————————————————————- The Cop Revolt Against Gun Control By Richard Poe October 23, 2003 AN ALL-OUT REVOLT against gun control may be brewing among rank-and- file police officers. In my last column, “Gray Davis’ Cop-Killing Gun Law,” I revealed that anti-gun zealots such as Sarah Brady and Ted Kennedy [...]

HERE`S A “STORY”–FROM A GROUP NAMED BRADY > >The Brady gun-ban group is at it again. Faced with the prospect of the >Clinton Gun Ban expiring, the Brady bunch is engaging in a desperate >fundraising campaign aimed at portraying the NRA as “extremist.” Full >page ads, recently placed in the New York Times, are not [...]

laughing at myself

October 24, 2003

I was goofing around on the net and found a page called You Might Be a Gun Nut if… and was highly amused by some of the items which sounded just like me. Among them the fact that when I walk on my floors I often find spent primers. Another joke is doing laundrey and [...]

[Fwd: Harry Browne on Limiting Gun Ownership] ADVERTISEMENT ——– Original Message ——– Subject: Harry Browne on Limiting Gun Ownership Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 22:29:02 US/Eastern From: LibertyWire@A… To: distribution@a… L i b e r t y W i r e |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| In today’s commentary Harry Browne, co-founder of the American Liberty Foundation, explains when [...]

The Paper Vise: CRUSHING THE FIRST AND SECOND! Fair Use: By Ted Lang ? 2003 Most Americans are confused regarding their rights under the Second Amendment, which prevents the federal government from banning citizens from acquiring firearms. Make no mistake; the ultimate objective of the Sarah Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center, Americans for [...]

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