Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

I talked to Jana Lee Tobias and have studied your sight and I see real growth potential and real opportunity to have your voice heard. With the right marketing, you can be half as large as the NRA and carry more clout and spread the word.,1413,96~3750~1676652,00.html Gun law flaws surprise to few By MICHAEL P. MAYKO Neither opponents nor proponents of tougher gun control laws were surprised Friday when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found no proof the statutes reduce firearm violence. “I’ve been saying that for 25 years,” said Robert Crook, executive director for the Coalition of [...]

LA) Burglar shot by homeowner 10-03-03 Date: Oct 4, 2003 5:08 PM The Times : Today’s Headlines <>; Alleged burglar shot in Cedar Grove Staff Reports Posted on October 3, 2003 A man was shot and killed Thursday night while allegedly trying to rob a house in the Cedar Grove neighborhood. The intruder, whose name [...]

I hope I pissed someone off

October 4, 2003

I found a write your senator tool on a gun ban site and used it to write a bit of reality, debunking their arguements. I wonder if they will send me hate mail. It would be fun to read.

CCRKBA Alerts Date: Oct 3, 2003 7:41 PM NEWS RELEASE CDC REPORT ON GUN CONTROL CONFIRMS LAWS DON’T WORK, SAYS CITIZENS COMMITTEE BELLEVUE, WA-A report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showing that there is no conclusive evidence that gun control laws contribute to decreases in violent crime or suicide “proves [...]

Just released, a new downloadable Ebook on the Colt pistols. The title : Colt Model 1911 and Early Prototypes You will find the downloading page here: Many other ebooks on various firearms are now available here : Content of the ebook : Development of the .45 ACP caliber cartridge – Adaptation of the [...]

1)the attackers were ARMED with Hands and FISTS! 2) Too Bad the victim was NOT armed with a firearm! =============================== Attackers Burst Into Apartment, Beat Resident Police Search For 3 Attackers POSTED: 7:16 a.m. CDT October 1, 2003 UPDATED: 5:39 p.m. CDT October 1, 2003 OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — Police are searching for three people [...]

SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW CDC ?????????????? ======================================…/cdc_gun_laws_1” target=_new>…/cdc_gun_laws_1 By KRISTEN WYATT, Associated Press Writer ATLANTA – A sweeping federal review of the nation’s gun control laws ? including mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons ? found no proof they reduce firearm violence. _ The findings from the Centers for Disease Control [...]


October 1, 2003

my dad was a cop. was i scared about him being in danger, heck yeah! do i want more gun control law? heck no! what ever happened to the right to bear arms? well there it is folks! no laws!

Another Reason

September 30, 2003

Roughly twenty years ago, give or take, I was working for a store in Grand Junction Colorado called Albertsons Grocery Warehouse. A large fellow and a friend of his came to work there. I was a 118 pound geek at the time, and barely remember these guys. The manager was not too thrilled with their [...]

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