Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Fw: No criminal charges in shotgun home defense (SC)
Fw: No criminal charges in shotgun home defense (SC) No criminal charges in shotgun home defense –man thought gunshot had been fired in his direction by GLENN SMITH Of The Post and Courier Staff Story last updated at 7:32 a.m. Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Solicitor Ralph Hoisington said Tuesday he will not seek criminal charges [...]
(NC) Disabled man uses handgun to stop robbery 08-15-03
(NC) Disabled man uses handgun to stop robbery 08-15-03 Bystander shoots suspect during robbery at ATM By OREN DORELL, Staff Writer Friday, August 15, 2003 12:00AM EDT William “Don” Strickland takes his small-caliber handgun wherever he goes, just in case any criminals cross his path. On Thursday, the former iron worker on permanent disability used [...] WEAPONS OF CHOICE NRA files brief in high-court gun case ‘Silveira v. Lockyer’ seen as potential landmark 2nd Amendment ruling ——————————————————————————– Posted: August 15, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Jon Dougherty ? 2003 The National Rifle Association has filed a brief in support of what backers are calling a potential landmark gun-rights case [...]
Teach the Children
from a friend of WAGC’s who is a lawyer in Utah:Subject: Teach the Children Compatriots, I was asked to teach a class on gun safety at my church. I did so last night. They acknowledged being fed “anti-gun” crap in school although from their description, it is not nearly so bad in Utah as in [...]
The Case for more guns
The Case for more guns John Lott shows why liberals are simple-minded on gun control. August 11, 2003 Conservatives, a new study says, are simple-minded, to which I say that’s partly true; some of us sometimes are, but I would argue that the characterization applies to some liberal dispositions, such as the one on gun [...]
(SC) Club owner kills intruder who was on parole 08-08-03
(SC) Club owner kills intruder who was on parole 08-08-03 Another one where the perp was “on Parole” from previous crimes…. :mad3: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Beaufort Gazette: Intruder killed by Columbia club owner Address: Published Fri, Aug 8, 2003 COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) – A club owner shot and killed an intruder who broke into his business, [...]
Only 93 Blue Certificates Left
Please send to all on your e-mail lists August 8, 2003 From: Dr. Ignatius Piazza Founder and Director Front Sight Resorts Dear Friends and Students of Front Sight, Our “Exchange in Abundance” program to give you a coveted Front Sight “Blue Certificate” and raise money for your favorite churches and charities is down to [...]
the Freedom Pledge ( JPFO)
I pledge my honor to the Bill of Rights, our precious national treasure. As the Bill is a fortress against tyranny, I will battle all tyrants. As the Bill protects liberty, I will live free. As the Bill guards rights born within all humanity, I will defend the freedoms of future generations. With my life, [...]
Fraudulent ‘Ask John Lott’ Website Now Claims to Be Parody
WAGC Files amicus curiae Brief – Lockyer Vs Silvera
WAGC news Bulletin: WAGC S VS L AB NEWS BULLETin: Women Against Gun Control is honored to submit an Amicus Curiae Brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear an appeal from the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual right. That case was Silveira vs. [...]