Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The Anti-gun Male
The Anti-gun Male By Julia Gorin As published at LET’S be honest. He’s scared of the thing. That’s understandable — so am I. But as a girl I have the luxury of being able to admit it. I don’t have to masquerade squeamishness as grand principle-in the interest of mankind, no less. A man [...]
God Bless The officer and his family! —————————————— Officer shot & killed with his own gun Officer Patrick Maher Federal Way Police Department, WA End of Watch: Saturday, August 2, 2003 Age: 46 Tour of Duty: 8 yr Officer Maher was shot and killed after breaking up a fight between two brothers and the suspect’s [...]
(CA) Roommate wounds violent assailants 07-29-03
Assault wepon was a BASEBALL BAT! Self defense weapon was a 12 gauge shotgun! ==========================: (CA) Roommate wounds violent assailants 07-29-03 Tables turned on suspected assailants{2258BDD4-F50D-4849-A0B2-0C1FFAEF80DC} Tables turned on suspected assailants Margo Horner Published: July 29, 2003 in News Tom Chu thought he might die Sunday night when two masked men kicked down his [...]
“Gun control laws are like OSHA for criminals.
Thomas Sowell (picked up from article posted to on 7/27/03 titled “Random Thoughts”) “Gun control laws are like OSHA for criminals. When criminals have guns and their victims don’t, crime becomes a safer occupation. In some countries with strict gun-control laws, burglars enter houses while people are still at home several times as often [...]
WHY DON’T MEDIA COVER GOOD GUN STORIES? By John R. Lott, Jr. People fear guns. And with so many horrific news stories about gun crimes, it is hard to expect them to feel otherwise. True, guns make it easier for bad things to happen, but they also make it easier for people to protect [...]
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization (You are receiving this message because you requested JPFO Alerts Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message) July 31, 2003 ALERT: Australians destroy collectibles; Philippines outlaws defense Exclusively for JPFO members and supporters — the advance copy of the article [...]
(NC) Resident holds repeat burglar for police 07-31-03
(NC) Resident holds repeat burglar for police 07-31-03 Wayne County Man Sets Up Plan To Catch Alleged Burglar Man’s Home Had Been Repeatedly Burglarized In Two-Month Period POSTED: 12:09 p.m. EDT July 31, 2003 WAYNE COUNTY, N.C. — Over a two-month period, a Wayne County man had his home repeatedly broken into, so he [...]
J.R.LABBE: SENSE NOT COMMON IN DEBATE OVER GUN LAWS Did the gun-rights group prevail last week, or did the gun-control folks come out on top in a lawsuit that pitted the NAACP against almost 100 firearms-industry defendants? On paper, the gun-rights advocates won when the federal judge said that the civil-rights group failed to prove [...]
Anti-gun laws won’t prevent crimes
July 31, 2003 Anti-gun laws won’t prevent crimes It is obvious that letter writer Gary Lowe, (“Access to guns harms U.S. security,” July 25), doesn’t much like guns and wishes they would just go away. But, as the old saying goes: If wishes were fishes there would be no room in the sea. The most [...]
people are safest if they have a gun
people are safest if they have a gun Annual surveys of crime victims in the United States by the Justice Department show that when confronted by a criminal, people are safest if they have a gun. Good intentions do not necessarily make good laws. What counts is whether the laws ultimately save lives. The new [...]