Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Out here, girls just wanna have guns /base/news-4/1058683861141900.xml Out here, girls just wanna have guns Women find they’re at home at the range Sunday, July 20, 2003 BY JONATHAN CHENG Star-Ledger Staff It was an otherwise quiet Saturday in the woods of Sussex County, when gunshots pierced the air. Again and again, all day long. Girls with guns, females with firearms, [...]
FWD: Nasty Quote from Gun Control Spokesman
Nasty Quote from Gun Control Spokesman Note how the gun control spokesman starts out using “gun safety” but as he gets more nasty he quickly reverts to gun control as their agenda. —————————————————————- Democrats have found that opposing gun rights isn’t necessarily a winning political strategy, but the Washington Times notes that not everyone agrees: [...]
Fw: Anti-Gun Nut Logic from Les Lemke
Did the fact that the car was registered and the driver was liscensed stop it from happening??????? —————— Fw: Anti-Gun Nut Logic from Les Lemke If a man plows into 10 people with a car and kills them it’s the man’s fault – not the car’s fault nor the public’s easy access to cars. On [...]
U.N. seeking global gun control? …………………….
“By any measure the United States is the most armed country in the world,” the report said. “With roughly 83 to 96 guns per 100 people, the United States is approaching a statistical level of one gun per person.” And THAT scares the hell out of tyrants and criminals! You can’t rule an armed society! [...]
This Little tidbit from Texas DPS ! Empasis mine: _______________________________________________________ THE MOST COMMON WEAPON INVOLVED IN FAMILY VIOLENCE CASES WAS PHYSICAL FORCE THROUGHT THE USE OF **HANDS, FEET AND FISTS** (STRONG MEN) WHICH ACCOUNT FOR 77% OF THE INCIDENTS. The Texas Family Violence law considers the use of threats and intimidation to be serious enuff [...]
THE BIAS AGAINST GUNS REVIEW: JOHN R. LOTT’S LATEST By: Ted Lang A new standard has been painstakingly and professionally assembled that shoots holes in the gun control myth using easily understood tables, charts, graphs and statistics. There is the usual preponderance of analytical statistical tools, such as regression analysis and the like. But they [...]
Armed citizens deter crime
(VA) Days Inn clerk shoots armed robber 07-17-03Q QU0TE: Fisher’s father, Westmoreland Supervisor Darryl E. Fisher, said yesterday his son is improving and may be discharged from the hospital in a few days.””It’s been a trying experience,” Darryl Fisher said. “It’s taken much prayer just to keep him alive. We’ll sort through the rest later.” [...]
Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Sun 16 July 2003
Now the anti-gunners want to restrict or outright ban air rifles! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW we don’t want your guns! [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ >—– Original Message —– >Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:54 PM >Subject: Fw: Letter to the Editor of the Toronto Sun 16 July 2003 > > >EXCELLENT!!!! Loved this man’s answer >—————————————————— > > >Subject: Fw: Letter [...]
A look into the anti-gun mind
A look into the anti-gun mind
ARMED TEACHERS EQUAL SAFER SCHOOLS lott13jul13193420,1,1760368.story PROVIDED IN TEXT SINCE LA TIMES SITE REQUIRES REGISTRATION, WHICH MANY DO NOT WISH TO DO. Letting Teachers Pack Guns Will Make America’s Schools Safer By John R. Lott Jr. John R. Lott Jr., a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of the newly [...]