Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

The article section on concealed carry in Vermont is inaccurate. Vermont has not passed any concealed carry law. Vermont has a state statute prohibiting counties and municipalites from regulating carry. The Vermont Constitution, Article 16th, provides for the right to arms for self-defense and VT has not enacted any carry restriction law, so carry without [...]

From the Children – For the Children By Geoff Metcalf The witnesses were prepared. The jury was anxiously alert. The presentation was balanced and concise. The verdict was quick. However, despite the uncommon demonstration of common sense, reason, and the will of the people?the outcome was and is largely ignored. The decision wasn’t mantled [...]

Murder by Gun Control – A Definitive Essay This says it all and says it perfectly. Murder by Gun Control by L. Neil Smith [email protected] Special to TLE Why is everybody being so damned polite? No sane individual living in the last days of the 20th century would knowingly welcome Nazis, the KGB, the [...]

Victory in California!

July 9, 2003

From: Crossfire Hurricane Subject: Victory in California! FCSPI Email Alert Victory in CA! Thanks to a last ditch effort by FCSPI and a team of pro-gun leaders, AB-50, California’s 50 caliber ban was defeated today in the Senate Public Safety Committee. FCSPI President John Burtt traveled to Sacramento to testify and was joined by the [...]

Gun control is Socialist…s_Socialist.htm Gun Control Is Socialist By Larry Pratt As columnist Paul Craig Roberts has put it, “Law, once a shield of the innocent, is now a weapon in the hands of government.” Roberts is referring to a long and dangerous trend to expand the concept of crime to actions and non-actions [...]

It’s still four too many, but at least it’s a start. Thursday, July 3 Gun control rally draws four By Emily Minor, Palm Beach Post Staff Columnist Thursday, June 26, 2003 There was a time, three years ago this past May, when the cause drew a crowd. Hundreds of thousands of activists, joined by [...]

Deputies Search For Accused Repeat Rapist Richland County Sheriff’s Deputies say they know who they’re looking for, they just don’t know where to look. Sergeant Lancy Weeks is an investigator on the trail of 31-year-old Henry McMillan — a man she calls a violent, sadistic rapist. McMillan is wanted for on two charges of sexual [...]

Police Search for Suspect in Attempted Rape Forest Acres Police need your help finding the man they say attempted the brazen, daylight sexual assault of an unsuspecting young woman. Back on March 15th, what began as a routine shopping trip to Richland Mall, quickly became a terrifying fight for one young woman. “She was just [...]

Brazen smash and grab artists flee from Police, citizen pitches in to help in capture… —————————— Homeowner Helps Nab Suspected Jewelry Thief Group Allegedly Robs Store In Broad Daylight POSTED: 1:11 p.m. EDT July 5, 2003 WAYNE, N.J. — Police in Wayne have an alert homeowner to thank for nabbing a suspect in a [...]

Self defense is no longer an option in Montreal……. THE RESULT OF GUN CONTROL! Do we want THIS in the United States? __________________________________________(Montreal) Shop owner faces assault charge after burglar beaten Shop owner faces assault charge after burglar beaten Last Updated Mon, 30 Jun 2003 19:53:00 MONTREAL – A Montreal-area convenience store owner who police [...]

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