Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The Second Amendment and the Preamble to the BOR
The Second Amendment and the Preamble to the Bill of Rights By Robert Greenslade and Claude Ellsworth The modern debate over the wording of the Second Amendment could be quickly resolved if the Amendment was read through the preamble to the Bill of Rights. A preamble to the Bill of Rights? What are you [...]
the results of Gun Control: Be dead or be a criminal!
CRIMENETDAILY ‘Defend your family, go to jail’ Dad who saved son from intruder incarcerated for unregistered gun ——————————————————————————– Posted: June 11, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern ——————————————————————————– ? 2003 A Brooklyn man who shot and wounded an intruder while defending his family will spend three days in Rikers Island, the same jail housing the burglar [...]
The perp used a pair of SCISSORS– are evil , they were made to cut things, dont they need to be banned?— to commit his violent act, The victim had NO self defense weapon, THANK GOD his neighbor DID! =========== The Seattle Times: Intruder stabs couple in home Address: Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 12:31 A.M. [...]
(DE) Judge rules shooting of drug dealer was self-defense 06-07-03 (DE) Judge rules shooting of drug dealer was self-defense 06-07-03 Shore News – Address: Acc. shooter not guilty in self-defense Man felt threated by convicted felon By NANCY DRURY DUNCAN ACCOMAC — The prosecutor portrayed the September shooting as avoidable. The defense attorney said [...]
The Freedom Pledge
A great pledge for flag day (during the week of June 14). The Freedom Pledge by Aaron Zelman and Claire Wolfe…. “I pledge my honor to the Bill of Rights, our precious national treasure. “As the Bill is a fortress against tyranny, I will battle all tyrants. “As the Bill protects liberty, I will live [...]
(NC) Jeweler sends robber packing 06-06-03
(NC) Jeweler sends robber packing 06-06-03 – Robbery attempt has a fare ending Address:…p-2409602c.html Friday, June 6, 2003 12:00AM EDT Robbery attempt has a fare ending By AISLING SWIFT, Staff Writer DURHAM — Two teens learned the hard way Thursday that a taxi isn’t a good choice for a getaway car and showing a [...]
(NY) Resident shoots intruder 06-09-03
(NY) Resident shoots intruder 06-09-03 Buffalo News – Police report resident shot intruder on West Delavan Address:> 6/9/2003 A West Delavan Avenue resident shot an intruder who tried to rob him inside his house Sunday, Northwest District officers said. Police said the resident let a woman come into his house at 3:40 a.m. because of [...]
(IN) Woman shoots ex-boyfriend who was stalking her
(IN) Woman shoots ex-boyfriend who was stalking her Woman shoots ex-boyfriend By T.J. WILHAM [email protected] MUNCIE – Forcing his way into the home of an ex-girlfriend who then shot him landed a Muncie man a trip to hospital Wednesday night and a ticket to jail, authorities said. The man, identified by police as Tommy Page, [...]
(IL) Dad shoots intruder outside daughter’s bedroom 06-06-03 Chicago Tribune | Police: Dad shot intruder outside daughter’s room Address:,0,4938121.story?coll=chi-news-hed By Virginia Groark Tribune staff reporter Published June 6, 2003, 1:47 PM CDT Franklin Park police and the Cook County state’s attorney’s office are to meet this afternoon to decide if charges should be brought against [...]
attackers do NOT always use a gun! Gun Control makes women and children safer, right? ——– February 18, 2003 Father accused of suffocating children, stabbing wife DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP) _ A man accused of suffocating his two young children and stabbing his estranged wife several times said he intended to kill them, according to police [...]