Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
My Country…………………..
This is my country , Land that I love!! Let me make this perfectly clear! THIS IS MY COUNTRY! And, because I make this statement DOES NOT mean I’m against immigration!!! YOU ARE WELCOME HERE IN MY COUNTRY. Welcome to come through like everyone else has. Get a sponsor! Get a place to lay your [...]
*Virginia Grand Jury Clears Ice-Cream Parlor Manager:*
*Virginia Grand Jury Clears Ice-Cream Parlor Manager:* An ice-cream parlor manager who pursued and fatally shot an armed man who robbed the South Richmond store Sept. 6 will not stand trial. A Richmond grand jury yesterday declined to indict David Fielding, 21, in the shooting of Jerome Davis, 43, at the Baskin-Robbins store at 6940 [...]
It turns out, nation’s founders got it right (letter to the editor
It turns out, nation’s founders got it right First published: Sunday, November 4, 2007 An Oct. 26 letter writer suggested limiting the Second Amendment to 18th-century firearms. What an interesting idea. I’m sure she would also be in favor of limiting free speech to 18th-century forms of communication, and she certainly must oppose the requirement [...]
Yough students learn what to do if they find a gun
fair use educational purposes only Yough students learn what to do if they find a gun By Jennifer Reeger TRIBUNE-REVIEW Friday, November 2, 2007 Eddie Eagle swooped in to Mendon Elementary School to offer a special safety message to kindergarten and first-grade students. His message wasn’t “stop, drop and roll” or even “look both ways [...]
Not Your Run of the Mill Gun Raffle
Not Your Run of the Mill Gun Raffle Date: Nov 1, 2007 10:08 PM The Central Vermont Friends of NRA are running a raffle that has extremely high end firearm prizes, intended to appeal to a specific type of serious shooter. Click here: Springfield Armory M1A, the semi-auto version of the M-14. It is a [...]
Hillary Wants Drivers Licenses for Illegals, Opposes Carry Licenses for American Citizens
Hillary Wants Drivers Licenses for Illegals, Opposes Carry Licenses for American Citizens Date: Nov 2, 2007 1:10 PM NEWS RELEASE HILLARY WANTS DRIVERS LICENSES FOR ILLEGALS, OPPOSES CARRY LICENSES FOR AMERICAN CITIZENS BELLEVUE, WA ? New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton supports giving drivers? licenses to illegal aliens, but she opposes right-to-carry statutes that provide [...]
Hill Report: Hillary Backer Wants Russert Shot;: 2A Is Not for Silencing Pres, Says SAF
Hill Report: Hillary Backer Wants Russert Shot; ?2A Is Not for Silencing Press? Says SAF Date: Nov 1, 2007 5:32 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE HILL REPORT: HILLARY BACKER WANTS RUSSERT SHOT; ?2A IS NOT FOR SILENCING PRESS? SAYS SAF BELLEVUE, WA ? A report in Thursday?s edition of The Hill suggests that Hillary Clinton supporters [...]
Harvard Law School article
Bloomy’s Anti-gun Hysteria Perpetuates Social Bigotry Against Firearms, Owners Date: Oct 31, 2007 7:08 PM NEWS RELEASE BLOOMY?S ANTI-GUN HYSTERIA PERPETUATES SOCIAL BIGOTRY AGAINST FIREARMS, OWNERS BELLEVUE, WA ? A new series of anti-gun posters now showing up around New York City are an affront to law-abiding gun owners, while also serving as an attempt [...]