Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Suburban wives arm themselves against terror
FYI there was nowhere near 750,000 people at any Million Mom March. ==================================================== THE TELEGRAPH UK Suburban wives arm themselves against terror By David Rennie in Chantilly (Filed: 31/05/2003) It is midweek night at the Blue Ridge Arsenal and Ginger Wright, passionate gun owner and professional shooting coach, cannot seem to hit the centre of [...]
The self-defense market
The self-defense market Shooting Industry May 1, 2003 SECTION: No. 5, Vol. 48; Pg. 39; ISSN: 0037-4148 IAC-ACC-NO: 102227973 LENGTH: 1585 words HEADLINE: The self-defense market: customers want products that are light on price, heavy on value! BYLINE: Ayoob, Massad BODY: What self-defense products really Are they the ones recommended by gun experts? Sometimes. However, [...]
, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government, but directly from the sovereign convention of the people that framed the State government. It is one of the ‘high powers’ delegated directly to the citizen, and ‘is excepted out of the general powers of government.’ A law cannot be passed to infringe [...]
NRA member wears gun, Second Amendment beliefs proudly (great story…) The Associated Press State & Local Wire May 30, 2003, Friday, BC cycle 10:41 AM Eastern Time SECTION: State and Regional LENGTH: 1012 words HEADLINE: NRA member wears gun, Second Amendment beliefs proudly BYLINE: By KEVIN WOSTER, Rapid City Journal DATELINE: RAPID CITY, S.D. BODY: [...]
Guns do not kill people, ignorance and pure violence or stupidity does. Parents with guns that keep their loaded guns that do don’t teach their children gun safety need to be punished. Robberies need to be punished, VIOLENCE needs to be punished, those who wish to protect themselves or provide for their family MUST not [...]
Vermont HS Girl holds 8 National Shooting Titles
Vermont HS Girl holds 8 National Shooting Titles Sports Section, page D4, of The Burlington Free Press on Friday, 5/30. The junior rifle team Kate Benjamin shoots is with the Burlington Rifle & Pistol Club. The funds raised by the junior rifle team members, the club, the families of these young shooters and the Friends [...] ======================= Guns Kill people, Gun Control Kills More By Emiliano Antunez The picture on the front page of the Miami Herald?s local section spoke volumes. A mans lifeless body laid covered by a white sheet, next to his outstretched hand lay a crowbar. His name was Jonada Campos a 49 year old immigrant from [...]
(TN) Single mom shoots two burglars –VIDEO–05-30-03
Go to Click “Tables Turned on Would-be Burglars” for video featuring a compelling interview with Burnett Dickerson. I haven’t been able to locate this in any online newspaper. Robert
In Gun Free New Yawk – Damned if you do , Damned if you don’t – The results of Gun Control
(NY) Two robberies, two different results 05-27-03 New York Post Online Edition: news Address: DEADLY DILEMMA By DOUGLAS MONTERO, JOE McGURK and ANDY GELLER IN CUSTODY: Bodega employee Jos. Acosta is taken into Central Booking after would-be robber was slain. – William C. Lopez May 28, 2003 — One Harlem bodega clerk used an unlicensed [...]
What Every Family in America Should Experience
What Every Family in America Should Experience Please send to all on your e-mail lists May 29, 2003 From: Dr. Ignatius Piazza Founder and Director Front Sight Resort What Every Family in America Should Experience Dear Students and Friends of Front Sight, I would like to share a letter with you that I recently [...]