Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Holy cow! Kudos to Wayne!
CNN: Now we give you the other side from the Executive Vice-President of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre. Wayne, thanks for being with us. Wayne: Hi, Kyra. Good to be with you. CNN: Well, if the ban on assault weapons expires, what kind of weapons would be legal? Wayne: Kyra, let me say this [...]
FROM THE FRONTLINES [Dave Kopel] A reader of my article about British government hostility toward the right of self-defense offers some details about how bad things have gotten: “I’m an alumna of Pepperdine University, a school which proudly owns a house/campus on Exhibition Road, literally across the street from the Imperial University, in the middle [...]
Australian Institute of Criminology
Australian Institute of Criminology National Homicide Monitoring Program (NHMP) Annual Report 2001-2002 Only a small portion of Australia’s firearms-related homicides involved legally-owned firearms.
CNN faked weapons demonstration.
CyberAlert The Media Research Council May 22, 2003
The Real Threat to Second Amendment Values Isn’t the Assault Weapon Ban: It’s Rumsfeld’s Standing Army By Michael C. Dorf FindLaw’s Legal Commentaries Law professor Michael Dorf argues that the current emphasis on a professional military is the greatest contemporary threat to the Founders’ concept of an armed citizen militia.
Georgia Statutes on the Acadians
Georgia Statutes on the Acadians Clayton C. Cramer Cramer shows hese laws passed to disarm and prevent French-Canadian Catholics from practicing their religion in the colony.
Disney reportedly drops Moore’s anti-Bush project May 14, 2003 John Alvarez of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood (PABAAH), has reported to Hollywood Halfwits ( that Disney has dropped its interest in the Michael Moore project titled ‘Fahrenheit 911.’
I am a Subject, Not a Citizen (But You Should See Me With a Gun) By Marni Soupcoff American Enterprise Online 5/9/03 A Canadian in the United States describes her experiences during a visit to a shooting range.
Hitler’s Control.
Hitler’s Control. The gun control lessons of Nazi history. National Review Online. May 22, 2003. With Richard Griffiths
Chapter on “Guns and Burglars” in America
Chapter on “Guns and Burglars” in Guns, Crime, and Punishment in America. Bernard Harcourt, editor. (NYU Press).