Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

THE COLD, HARD FACTS ABOUT GUNS By John R. Lott Jr. John Lott Jr., the John M. Olin law and economics fellow at the University of Chicago School of Law, is the author of “More Guns, Less Crime.” America may indeed be obsessed with guns, but much of what passes as fact simply isn’t true. [...]

“By calling attention to ‘a well regulated militia’, the ‘security’ of the nation, and the right of each citizen ‘to keep and bear arms’, our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny which gave rise to the Second Amendment will ever [...]

Guns and Freedom

April 25, 2003 Guns and Freedom UPDATE: Bill Whittle now has his own blog, and he has crafted a final draft of the comments below. Please go there to read that final version and to comment, and to enjoy his brand-new blog (he has other fantastic essays that you’ll want to read). Last week, I posted a [...]

(IN) Armed robber killed by merchant 04-24-03 Address: Suspected robber is slain by merchant Cell-phone center homicide follows a separate fatal shooting of tire store customer. ?? By Tom Spalding [email protected] April 24, 2003 ?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????Indianapolis police on Wednesday were investigating the slayings of two men in separate incidents, including the shooting death of a [...]

Assault Weapons and Assaults on the Constitution by Rep. Ron Paul

Former San Jose police officer Leroy Pyle. Famous 1989 videotape explaining that the difference between “assault Weapons” and other guns is purely cosmetic. Now available on the web, in a variety of formats.

R M Ikeda, L L Dahlberg, M-j Kresnow, J J Sacks and J A Mercy Injury Prevention, 2003;9:53-57 Owning a gun is not equivalent to having access to a gun within 10 minutes or less, and vice versa. This treatment points out that a survey respondent asserting the mere ownership of a firearm should not [...]

Arming of Pilots Is Way Overdue By John Lott Los Angeles Times, April 14, 2003

Double Standard in ‘Arbitrary Carry.’ From Clayton Cramer: Marin County, California, refuses carry permit applications from judges, but granted a permit to Sean Penn, despite a recent violent misdemeanor conviction.

The Jerusalem District Court orders a the state to restore an Israeli citizen’s ability to carry weapons in self-defense, and to pay restitution for depriving him of his due rights:

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