Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
(MD) Home intruder shot 03-10-03
(MD) Home intruder shot 03-10-03,0,5567100.story?coll=bal-local-headlines Originally published March 10, 2003 In Baltimore City Police investigating killing as possible case of self-defense A man was fatally shot in a house in the 2100 block of Boyd St. in West Baltimore early yesterday, and police said they and the state’s attorney’s office are investigating the incident [...]
Swiss and Guns : a Success Story!
By David B. Kopel and Stephen D’Andrilli (American Rifleman February 1990) “What America can learn from Switzerland is that the best way to reduce gun misuse is to promote responsible gun ownership.” In the right to bear arms debate, pro-gun Americans point to Switzerland, where almost every adult male is legally required to possess a [...]
Original Purposes of the 14th Amendment:
Original Purposes of the 14th Amendment: Originally, the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to prohibit the States from disarming American Citizens. One of the original purposes of the Fourteenth Amendment was to restrain the States from violating any of the First Eight of the Bill of Rights. Read Jon Roland’s (Constitution Society) article “Intent of [...]
Subject: FW: New book is launched: The Bias Against Guns
Subject: FW: New book is launched: The Bias Against Guns —–Original Message—– From: John Lott [[email protected]] Sent: March 14, 2003 2:53 AM To: John Lott Subject: New book is launched: The Bias Against Guns For those who are interested, my new book is out. I hope that you find the book interesting. I think that [...]
Justice Scalia on originalist interpretation of the Constitution By Jennifer G. Hickey ?? 2003 The speech delivered by President George W. Bush at the advocacy conference hosted by the American Medical Association may have received the most ink, but it did not elicit the most laughter from those in attendance. In fact, the humor [...]
From: [email protected] Add to Address Book Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 06:54:39 -0800 (PST) To: undisclosed-recipients@null, null@null Subject: GUNS AND TERRORISM: WHAT’S THE CONNECTION? WND recommends 2 books — one old, one new There’s a new terrorist training video just captured in Afghanistan that shows al-Qaida practicing attacks on schools. Other training videos show the [...]
Subject: Who says girls and guns don’t mix?
Subject: Who says girls and guns don’t mix? Wildlife and country life have always fascinated me, ever since I could remember. I recall my grandpa going hunting and bringing the meat home. Now my brother and I provide my grandma with wild meat for her famous dish. Talk about tradition. Hunting, being a male thing, [...]
From ‘anti-gunner’ to ‘firearms instructor’ in four months
From ‘anti-gunner’ to ‘firearms instructor’ in four months Source: KeepAndBearArms.Com Author: Susan Erline White Country: United States “In December 2001, I was a member of the ‘Brady Bunch’ and a woman afraid of having my father’s guns in my home. By April 19, 2002, I had applied for a concealed carry license, been certified as [...]
(IL) Woman shoots parolee in home invasion 03-08-03
(IL) Woman shoots parolee in home invasion 03-08-03 ?? Woman fatally shoots parolee during alleged home invasion Man served time for domestic battery March 8, 2003 By DAVE HANEY of the Journal Star PEORIA – A 26-year-old Peoria man paroled from a southern Illinois prison on Thursday was shot and killed Friday after allegedly [...]
4. Pro-gun letter in Roanoke Times on restaurant ban repeal Friday, February 28, 2003 Professor’s criticism of proposed legislation was silly There’s a rational reason to carry a gun in a restaurant By MARK E. TODD PROFESSOR Sam G. Riley (“Virginia is for lovers? Hooligans? Gunslingers?,” Feb. 20 Commentary page) sounds like an adequate [...]