Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Canada: Another blunder-Firearms Act
Another blunder-Firearms Act “Canadian Firearms Centre does not send renewal notices to permit holders: quiet Quebec hunter may unwillingly become first Canadian to be tried for not having a valid firearms license, a criminal offense” Press Release Canadian Unregistered Firearms Owners Association (CUFOA) CUFOA will be at the Trois-Rivi??res courthouse on March 3 to show [...]
Supreme Court Throws Out Gun Records Case
Armed Citizens Defending themselves and others
this one against three knife weilding thugs, scared off thugs with NO SHOTS FIRED! ——- I was living in Miami, Florida at the time. I had a Florida concealed weapons permit,and was carrying a custom .45 Lightweight Commander in Thunderwear ( an under the pants at the belt line holster) My date and I were [...]
Great Article: Disarming truth on how lies hurt the written word
Helen Faria <Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 14:00:45 -0500 To: Recipient Subject: Great article Friends, The piece below from Cleveland newspaper, The Plain Dealer, deserves reading and filing as a masterpiece. It is written by Mr. Sandstrom, book editor, about Michael Bellesiles’ discredited book, “Arming America,” which amazingly will be re-issued in a “revised” edition [...]
(NC) Shooting ruled self-defense 92-21-0
(NC) Shooting ruled self-defense 92-21-0 ?? ?? SANFORD – Assistant District Attorney Mike Beam will not bring charges against Paul Redmond, 56, of 1065 Sanders Road, in relation to an August shooting death at his residence. Redmond shot Wesley Kelly, 50, of Texas, after Kelly forced his way into Redmond’s home, according to Lee [...]
For the sake of our children, Never disarm!
For the sake of our children, Never disarm!
Basics of the Second Amendment
Basics of the Second Amendment
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Terry: ‘Gun Nuts’ Need to Separate Themselves from Zealo The Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Terry: ‘Gun Nuts’ Need to Separate Themselves from Zealots “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own [...]
TOTAL Control OF Handguns IS what it’s all about!
Pete Shields, founder of Handgun Control, said in 1976, “We’ll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily ? given the political realities ? very modest. ? Our ultimate goal, total control of hand guns, is going to take time.? “we don’t want your guns, we just want to keep them out [...]
Reasonable Gun Control ? Support H.R. 648
Reasonable Gun Control ? Support H.R. 648 Geoff Metcalf Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 Who would have thunk it? A congressional bill has been introduced to defend your Second Amendment rights that is reasonable and makes sense. Which probably means Schumer/Boxer/Feinstein/Clinton will go ballistic vilifying it. H.R. 648 was recently introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., [...]