Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Freedom Quotes

February 16, 2003

Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric. — Thomas Sowell What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? — Thomas Jefferson>

Woman is abducted (by someone she knows- NOT THAT THAT MAKES ANY DIFFERNCE!)) and beat with a HAMMER, NOTICE please, that the bad guy did NOT use a firearm in this violent crime. HOWEVER: the woman was able to get to her seld defense weapon. Where would she be now had she NOT had one [...]

Registration = Confiscation

February 16, 2003

Registration is the necessary first step to confiscation. Bill C-68 The Firearms Act 1995 declared half{48%]of all registered restricted firearms{handguns, automatics ect} were now prohibited. The owner would be allowed to keep the firearm, but could only sell it to another prohibted firearms owner or surrender it to the authorities. Bill C-68 also gave the [...]

U can’t get what u never had:gun freedom Last fall’s siege of the Dubrovka theater by armed Chechens sparked much debate on how the attack could have been prevented. A new organization believes it has the answer: Let the population arm itself.

See What Gun Control Does?

February 15, 2003

As thousands of U.S. military personnel in California deploy to the Persian Gulf in preparation for war, some of them are having a serious problem.They can’t get guns.

Indiana_MSAA] Gun shop owner warns about workers’ safety February 12, 2003 Council passes security rules Gun shop owner warns about workers’ safety By JAMES WENSITS Tribune Political Writer SOUTH BEND — An armed man who warned that passage of an ordinance implementing new security procedures at the County-City Building could turn government workers into “guaranteed [...]

Salt Lake Tribune Article:

February 15, 2003

: Gun Show Background Checks: Useless Scheme, with a Hidden Agenda?

Ehrlich Errs with Project Exile ADVERTISEMENT Ehrlich Errs with Project Exile In his “State of the State” address last week, Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich passionately endorsed Project Exile, a federal gun-prosecution program originally developed in Richmond, Virginia. According to Ehrlich, Maryland can dramatically reduce crime by adopting Exile and ramping up federal prosecution of gun-law [...]

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