Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Confirming More Guns, Less Crime
Confirming More Guns, Less Crime Confirming More Guns, Less Crime JOHN R. LOTT, JR. American Enterprise Institute (AEI) – General FLORENZ PLASSMANN State University of New York – Department of Economics JOHN E. WHITLEY University of Adelaide – School of Economics ————————————————————————— Abstract: Analyzing county level data for the entire United States from 1977 [...]
this shoulda been done a loooooong time ago…… the very ones who argue against the death penalty are the very ones who want to initiate UNARMED VICTUMhood! ============= Because of whiny bleeding heart liberal *******s who don’t think people should be responsible for their actions. ================== Just why does it take 17 years to carry [...]
New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste
New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste Gun nuts: New Hampshire anti-gun grants a waste GUN CRIME is not a significant problem in New Hampshire. According to the Attorney General’s Office, there were 36 homicides in New Hampshire in 2000 and 2001. Eleven of those were by gunshot. Eleven were by stabbing or “other sharp force [...]
Police, Camera Coudn’t save British Woman from No-Gun Crime
Police, Camera Coudn’t save British Woman from No-Gun Crime ============= In Gun free zones, criminals use other TOOLS to commit violent crimes. WHY is it that the anti SD morons can NOT understand that!?!?!? Murder is MURDER and ILLEGAL/WRONG regardless of the TOOL used by these criminal INDIVIDUALS! Punish the INDIVIDUAL who MISUSES the TOOL, [...]
One manufacturer has the guts to fight back.
God Bless ‘em! ———————————————- This letter written by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing came my way from Dwight VanHorn, and ex-LEO (Sheriff Deputy) and colleague on NRA’s Board. In his note that acompanied the link to this letter, Dwight rightly observes that this is the sort of thing manufacturers need to do to any law enforcement agency [...]
Texas Concealed Handgun Carriers:Law-abiding Public Benefactors Interesting Read indeed! ======================================== Conclusion Both John B. Holmes, Harris County district attorney, and Glenn White, president of the Dallas Police Association, initially opposed concealed carry in Texas but have subsequently embraced it. Holmes said, “I . . . [felt] that such legislation . . . present[ed] a clear and present danger to law-abiding [...]
MORE Feinstien Hypocricy !
Armed and dangerous Debra J. Saunders Tuesday, February 4, 2003 ——————————————————————————– IT’S MORE than a little ironic that many of the politicians who push for stringent gun-control laws now want the federal government to sit on its hands while a madman like Saddam Hussein sits on stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Start with Sen. [...]
Gifts for our Anti gun friends – Put your money wher your mouth is!?