Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
[Now the criminals know Chief McFarlin's home is much safer to break into -- they won't ge
…….THE CRIMINALS WONT GET SHOT! ================= Law enforcement agencies focus on home gun safety Law enforcement agencies focus on home gun safety The second McMinnville Police Chief Wayne McFarlin walks into his home from work – before he greets his wife and three children, before he heads to the refrigerator for a snack, before he [...]
[2ampd] Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime
[2ampd] Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime Ashcroft Says Bush Gun Program Cuts Crime U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on Thursday credited the Bush administration’s program for cracking down on gun violence with helping to lower murder and violent-crime rates in communities across the country. Speaking to 1,300 federal, state and local law enforcement [...]
Heston Fires Back @ Looney Clooney
Heston The following is from NewsMax… *** George Clooney has just drawn the ire of Moses. Apparently, the actor is not content to merely sit around and hurl tired, hackneyed anti-war phrases at the president, like he did while on the Charlie Rose Show. No, Clooney also seems to have the need to kick around [...]
Two courtrooms wins for the Second Amendment
Two courtrooms wins for the Second Amendment 9th Circuit deletes former Prof. Bellesiles material from a court decision and the Florida lawsuit award is dropped. FYI (copy below): *********************************************************** Bang Bang, Your Suit’s Dead Two courtrooms wins for the Second Amendment. BY COLLIN LEVEY Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST This week, two [...]
Merry Gun Control by Ted Lang –
Merry Gun Control by Ted Lang –
PA) Man who shot robber freed 01-24-03
PA) Man who shot robber freed 01-24-03 York man freed – York Daily Record Address: A prosecutor said the man was justified in using deadly force when mugged Saturday. By MICHELE CANTY and RICK LEE Daily Record staff Friday, January 24, 2003 Bil Bowden – YDRBrenda Pinkney welcomes her son, Randell Jackson, outside York County [...]
Up in arms
Up in arms Bob Newell/Tribune-Review By Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman Sunday, January 26, 2003 Anyone who questions why gun owners resist imposition of new laws and greater restrictions on firearms ownership need only look at the case of Erich Olaf Tate, a Georgia man who will spend the next two years in a [...]
It IS Amazing ! :)
It’s amazing how much panic one honest (WO)man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites. — Thomas Sowell and you know you are succeeding when you start getting hate mail
Gun Control:
The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a lady explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
Buffalo News – Gun control advocates engage in wishful thinking
MY VIEW Gun control advocates engage in wishful thinking By JAMES OSTROWSKI 1/18/2003…118/1029466.asp Something happened in Buffalo recently that contradicts the propaganda of those who support gun control, which is the control of law-abiding people who wish to own a gun for protection against the nefarious elements in this world. A citizen used a [...]