Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Learning the Value of Handguns the Hard Way *********************************************************** Learning the Value of Handguns the Hard Way by Erving Holcomb [email protected] January 22, 2002 — My name is Erving Holcomb, I am 63 years old and I work for the Harris County judge?s office in Houston TX. I never owned a handgun in my life until Jan. 19, 2002. On that [...]
Salt Lake Tribune Article: Utah Gays Ready for Trouble
Utah Gays Ready for Trouble Members of the Utah chapter of the Pink Pistols, a gay and lesbian group dedicated to Second Amendment rights, listen to their instructor during a recent concealed-carry permit class. The national organization’s motto is, “Armed gays don’t get bashed.” (Trent Nelson/The Salt Lake Tribune) BY MARK EDDINGTON THE SALT LAKE [...]
you know, it’s nice…..
It’s really nice to know their are other women out there concerned about our rights!! Thanks, WAGC
George Looney…I mean Clooney!
Recently George Clooney made fun of Charlton Heston, citing his connection with the NRA as justification. Apparently, Clooney thinks that any nasty comment concerning an NRA member is justified simply because one believes in the Constitution. I have a simple answer for this scumbag….I just won’t watch any movie with him in it nor will [...]
Firearms Discussion List
Firearms Discussion List Info Message *** SAVE THIS MESSAGE AND READ IT TWICE *** The Firearms discussion is a list for gun enthusiasts. You need not own any guns to be a part of the list. Anything and everything regarding guns can be discussed, from purchases to reloading. If the topic heads away from *firearms-related [...]
New Jersey?s “smart guns,” Dead Kids By Ted Lang ? 2003 Published 01. 15. 03 at 18:51 Sierra Time xx As continued gun control aimed at law-abiding citizens proves to be a horrible failure in reducing crime as demonstrated in England, Australia and Washington, D.C., the new rage is no longer “crime control,” but “child [...]
Article in VA Newspaper
Article in VA Newspaper Roanoke Times Friday, January 03, 2003 New regulations wouldn’t help Few criminals get weapons at gun shows By STEVEN ELLIOTT REGRETTABLY, state Sen. Henry Marsh, D-Richmond, special-interest lobbyists and even the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police believe -perhaps as strongly as legitimate gun owners believe otherwise – thatimposing additional burdensome [...]
New Jersey?s “smart guns,” Dead Kids by Ted Lang –