Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

The Pitt News – Longtime Oakland employee stops robbery with gun Address: Longtime Oakland employee stops robbery with gun by ERIK ARROYO Senior Staff Writer December 05, 2002 An employee of an Atwood Street business shot at two juveniles Tuesday after they robbed the store at gunpoint, according to a city police report. Bob Tripp, [...]

Nice Job, John! =========== Rob Nelson KPTV channel 12 sent to <>; <>; “What separates THE ROB NELSON SHOW from other talk shows? Rob! He?s a regular guy and his life experiences give him a unique understanding of the world in which we all live. Often described as the GenXer?s answer to Donahue, Rob probes, [...]

Judge Dismisses Municipal Lawsuit Against Firearms Manufacturers; Industry Offers Wilmington, Delaware Cooperation in Safety, Crime Reduction Programs NEWTOWN, Conn., Dec. 3 /PRNewswire/ — The judge hearing Wilmington, Delaware’s lawsuit against the firearm industry today granted the industry’s request for a summary judgment. In dismissing the suit, Judge Fred S. Silverman wrote in his decision, “Handgun [...]

NY TIMES Editorial 12/2/02 Bambi’s Mother in the Cross Hairs Very few people like the idea of shooting Bambi’s mother. But there may be no better way to slow the rapid expansion of deer populations that are devastating ecosystems in many areas of the country. At least 20 million white-tailed deer are ranging the nation [...]

Dr. Halbrook is an attorney who represented the sheriffs in their successful challenge to the Brady Act before the US Supreme Court. FYI (copy below): AOL users click here An Interview With Stephen P. Halbrook by Carlo Stagnaro When it comes to World War II, most people tend to figure out only two actors: [...]

D.C. Gun Law Under Fire

December 6, 2002

FYI (copy below):,2933,71759,00.html AOL users click here ********************************************************* D.C. Gun Law Under Fire Friday, November 29, 2002 WASHINGTON — A Second Amendment group is filing a lawsuit demanding that the nation’s capital ease up its gun laws, which are considered the most restrictive in the nation. The CATO Institute, a public policy research group [...]

AND you have been reported! oh and uh, it’s the 1st Amend that gives you the right to show your stupidity We’ll defend that one too, that is until some idiot comes along and takes away our means to defend it =============== Status: U Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from ([]) by (Earthlink Mail Service) [...]

Guns and Violence: The English Experience Joyce Lee Malcom, an historian at Bentley College, has written a chronological survey of crime patterns in England since the High Middle Ages, and shows how crime has escalated in gun banning societies and has declined when guns have been made available to law abiding citizens. British crime statistics [...]

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