Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
NRA: Joint Statement On Ballistic “Fingerprinting”
NRA: Joint Statement On Ballistic “Fingerprinting” Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice-President National Rifle Association & Chris W. Cox Executive Director, National Rifle Association – Institute for Legislative Action … Ballistic “fingerprinting” is a misleading phrase, because human fingerprints or DNA or other biometric data can’t be altered. But ballistic abrasion patterns can change for a variety [...]
Adios bellisiles, go teach your communist propaganda in Russia…. :)
FW: Emory University News Release – bellesiles Release date: Oct. 25, 2002 Contact: Jan Gleason, Assistant Vice President, Public Affairs, at 404-727-0639 or [email protected] Oct. 25: Michael Bellesiles Resigns from Emory Faculty October 25, 2002 Robert A. Paul, Interim Dean of Emory College I have accepted the resignation of Michael Bellesiles from his position as [...]
Untitled\Culture\archive\200210\CUL20021025a.html Court Rules Woman May Use Deadly Force to Defend Unborn By Lawrence Morahan Senior Staff Writer October 25, 2002 ( – A Michigan appeals court made an accurate interpretation of the state Legislature’s intent when it ruled that a pregnant woman may use deadly force to protect a fetus from attack, even if [...]
—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization (Subscribe/UnSubscribe instructions near the end of the message) October 23, 2002 ALERT: THE FAILURE OF THE GOVERNMENT PROTECTION HOAX Innocents continue to die and the Beltway sniper taunts, “Your children are not safe.” Meanwhile, millions [...]
(IL) Burglar killed by resident 10-22-02
Criminal charges unlikely in fatal back-yard shooting 0210220015oct22.story?null Published October 22, 2002 CHICAGO — Police and prosecutors attempting to sort through the circumstances of a fatal shooting in the back yard of a South Side house over the weekend said the man who fired the gun is not likely to face criminal charges. Killed [...]
More Gun Laws Won’t help
Poll: More Gun Laws Won’t Help Thursday, October 24, 2002 By Dana Blanton Few Americans think tougher gun laws could make a difference in situations like the sniper attacks in the area around Washington D.C. OAS_AD(‘Middle’); The latest FOX News poll conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation found that most Americans are doubtful that tougher guns [...]
A couple of good articles
The Hardyville Study on the Effectiveness of BallisticFingerprinting By Claire Wolfe – Reason: Gun Control?s Twisted Outcome
Why Anti-Gunners Suppress Truth
Why Anti-Gunners Suppress Truth About ?Ballistic Fingerprinting? By Joe Waldron and Dave Workman In the emotional frenzy that has surrounded the Beltway Sniper case, gun control extremists have seized upon a still-developing technology erroneously called ?ballistic fingerprinting? as their newest panacea du jour. Promoting a solid crime-fighting tool is one thing. Pandering a ballistic imaging [...]
Release: GOA says registration scheme won’t stop Beltway sniper
Gun Owners of America Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ellie McDaniel October 24, 2002 (703)321-8585 GOA Criticizes Sen. Schumer’s Plan to Register Gun Owners – Says registration invades privacy and won’t help police catch crooks (Springfield, VA) — Gun Owners of America blasted a recent proposal by Democrat Senator Charles Schumer of New York, [...]