Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

From another list! ====== Reply to Msg. 24833 by Rawrecruit The text of the message (#24833) that you are replying to is at the bottom of this page. and these MF’s ,like FD and the “gunguy” want to take away our RIGHT to defend ourselves….. BASTARDS! The blood of this poor woman is on the [...]

2) The Advocate: Free gun classes are public service Posted 8/28/2002 We commend organizers responsible for free handgun safety classes for Baton Rouge area women conducted this weekend and planned again Saturday. These classes could help prevent a fatal mistake in a tense community fearful of a serial killer who has murdered at least [...]

08-30-02 A woman involved in a domestic dispute pulled a gun on her alleged attacker Wednesday afternoon and shot at him at least eight times. No one was injured by the gunfire, but the woman was taken to the hospital with injuries suffered before the shooting, according to police Sgt. Evaristo Diaz. Gunshots rang out [...]\ForeignBureaus\archive\200208\FOR20020830g.html\Nation\archive\200208\NAT20020830a.html

Murder in America

August 30, 2002

FAIR USE Murder in America by Mark Thornton> While listening to NPR in my car, I heard a report on recently published research by Dr. Stephen Thomas and his colleagues at Harvard Medical College. The combination of NPR and Harvard almost led me to tune my radio to a country music station, but the [...]

Geoff Metcalf: Right Is Not Might Geoff Metcalf: Right Is Not Might – in Congress or Academia The Washington Times ran an article on Friday about Michael Bellesiles – “Emory Continues Probe of ‘Arming America’ Author” ( ). Duh!?!? This has been going on for over two flipping years! Notwithstanding his once-upon-a-time reputation as a [...]

Gun control: Are Democrats playing with fire? Gun control: Are Democrats playing with fire? National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre takes aim at liberal critics such as “Crossfire” host James Carville in his new book, “Shooting Straight: Telling the Truth About Guns in America,” co-written with James Jay Baker. Carville responds to the [...]

Control of guns = control of individuals Get Larry Pratt’s provocative collection of essays on 2nd Amendment

Christians and Guns

August 30, 2002

Christians and Guns by Carlo Stagnaro

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