Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

guns in the uk

August 30, 2002

Interesting article on guns in England One of these should work: The author claims the right to keep and bear arms dates back to a Bill of Rights in 1668 (Magna Carta?). Fascinating. Glad our guys thought to spell it out a little better…..

National Rifle Association – ——————————————————————————– NRA Online NRA LAUNCHES NRA ONLINE – THE ULTIMATE PRO-GUN ISP In an effort to create a high quality Internet Service that helps promote and protect Second Amendment rights, the National Rifle Association has launched NRA Online. The service provides unlimited dial-up access, up to five e-mail addresses and [...]

New bumper sticker showing up in Louisiana … Because of the suspected serial killer in south Louisiana, the governor has urged Louisiana women to get guns and learn how to use them. Louisiana is also the hardest hit state with regard to the West Nile Virus, which is spread by mosquitoes. That prompted this new [...]


August 29, 2002

8 MINUTES TO RESPOND ——————————————————————————– —– Original Message —– From: “Phil Parke” Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:45 AM Subject: FW: 8 MINUTES TO RESPOND > > > ———- > > > > 48 MINUTES TO RESPOND TO A 911 CALL? ANYONE WHO PUTS THEIR CONFIDENCE IN > THE HANDS OF THESE CLOWNS IS ASKING [...]

Gresham On Guns

August 27, 2002

Gresham On Guns GUNS&AMMO September 2002 Page 45 Turning The Corner By Tom Gresham The future looks bright for Second Amendment believers…but we must stay vigilant in protecting the rest of our rights as well. U.S. Solicitor General, Ted Olsen, included a footnote with a legal brief sent to the Supreme Court last spring–just a [...]

Aiming at crime

August 26, 2002

Aiming at crime Classes give women word on guns GONZALES — Lisa Mitchell wasn’t sure what kind of gun she brought to a gun safety class on Saturday. Her husband had chosen it for her from the family’s collection. She learned that it was a .380-caliber pistol. “I didn’t even know what he was sending [...] Man fatally shoots intruder at North Fort Myers hotel Associated Press, August 25, 2002 – 07:20 PM FORT MYERS, Fla. A man fatally shot one intruder and critically injured another after they forced their way into his hotel room during an attempted robbery. Steven D. Robey, 46, was pinned to the bed with a [...]

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? When guns are outlawed, outlaws will use other TOOLS to commit violence (of course the anti gunners won’t care about these because only people who die from gunshots are dead, right? ================ Atlantan found guilty of ****** AX MURDERS ***** of Ellenwood couple may face *****execution***** ******(THIS is CRIMINAL control!)******** THIS is what we [...]

SCHOOL’S OUT FOR EMORY HISTORY PROFESSOR Emory author won’t be in class by Jen Sansbury Atlanta Journal-Constitution 8/23/02 History Professor Michael Bellesiles won’t be teaching Emory University classes this fall as a six-month investigation continues into charges against him of academic fraud. Bellesiles will be on paid leave for the upcoming semester, according to Robert [...]

Ten Words You Should Know!

August 25, 2002

Ten Words You Should Know! We have an intrinsic and inherent right to keep (own, posses, retain) and bear (carry, hold, support) arms (firearms, guns, weapons). This listed right is guaranteed by the Second Amendment. We also have another intrinsic and inherent right to keep and bear arms: The Ninth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution [...]

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